The 30th anniversary of on Sunday, Sept. 22, comes as fans and those who worked on the show continue to mourn star , who died less than a year ago from the . More recently, has surfaced as those who allegedly helped him obtain the drug have been .

And the creators of the hit NBC sitcom, and , as well as executive producer Kevin S. Bright are aware of how Perry’s death has cast a pall over what would otherwise be a celebratory time. “It’s a huge loss and it does make the 30th a little fraught,” Kauffman said in an interview with Crane and Bright that aired on Friday’s show, as Bright added, “He made us laugh every day.

” Looking back on Perry’s heavily publicized struggles with addiction and how he’d seemed to be doing better in the years prior to his death, Bright said. “He’d been fighting the good fight for so long, and it really did feel like, , that he had finally found some peace.” Shortly after Perry’s death, as those who knew and loved the star paid tribute to him, that she had spoken with Perry two weeks before he died and the actor was “happy and chipper.

He didn’t seem weighed down by anything. He was in a really good place, which is why this seems so unfair.” “He seemed better than I had seen in a while,” she said at the time.

“I was so thrilled to see that. He was emotionally in a good place. He looked good.

He quit smoking. Yes, he was sober. He learned things throughout this and what he learned more than anything is that he wa.