As the beloved sitcom Friends celebrates its 30th anniversary on September 22, the occasion is bittersweet, particularly in light of the passing of Matthew Perry, who portrayed the iconic Chandler Bing. Perry's death, less than a year ago, has deeply affected fans and the show's creators, bringing a sombre tone to what would otherwise be a jubilant milestone. (Also Read – New Matthew Perry documentary to expose secret Hollywood drug ring's dark truth: When and where to watch ) Marta Kauffman, David Crane, and executive producer Kevin S Bright recently discussed the significance of this anniversary in an interview, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Kauffman candidly acknowledged, “It's a huge loss and it does make the 30th a little fraught.” Bright reflected on Perry's impact, stating, "He made us laugh every day," as per The Hollywood Reporter. Perry's struggles with addiction were widely known, and Bright shared that the actor had seemed to be on a path to recovery in the years leading up to his death.

"He'd been fighting the good fight for so long, and it really did feel like...

he had finally found some peace," Bright remarked. Kauffman recalled a conversation she had with Perry just two weeks before he passed away, describing him as "happy and chipper" and in a positive emotional state. She expressed her disbelief at the suddenness of his passing, stating, "It seemed so unfair.

.. He looked good.

He quit smoking. Yes, he was sober," as per The Hollywood Reporter. .