FREEPORT W ith Halloween on the horizon, Freeport Historical Musuem Manager Wade Dillon is excited to open one of his favorite exhibits: “Haunting Tales of The Texas Coast.” “It’s an exhibit that explores our local ghost stories such as ‘The Ghost of Brit Bailey,’ who was a veteran of Fort Velasco. The scariest story of the area for me is ‘The Lady in The Gray Taffeta Dress,’” Dillon said.

Dillon promised more tales would be included during exhibit, which opens Sept. 16. It will remain open through Halloween on Oct.

31. This will be the fourth year the exhibit has been featured in the museum, and Dillon continues to add to the display each year. The exhibit includes an assortment of decorations and special lights that depict the ghostly stories in a vibrant, Technicolor display that is sure to leave an impact, Dillon said.

“It is fully decorated and like walking into a haunted house, minus the jump scares,” he said. “I think we really embrace the creepy factor of the stories and have more of the visuals of the stories to illustrate and flesh out the tales.” In addition to the exhibit, guests can watch a video series that brings the stories to life.

“We have a video series that I created and produced that includes seven episodes of the stories featured in the ‘Haunting Tales of The Texas Coast’ exhibit which will be playing in the back of the museum on a loop,” he said. Stephen F. Austin-Munson County Park Living Historian and Historic Site Ma.