Children are wild with excitement because the summer holidays are here. Weeks free of homework and maths lessons? Sign us up. But parents know it can be a challenge to keep them entertained without breaking the bank.

Megan Bennett, a parenting coach at Action for Children’s Parent Talk, says: “It feels like a long time and, as lovely and special as that time can be, sometimes thinking of ideas and making sure they’ve got things to do can lead to worrying about spending lots of money. “Social media plays a big role because you compare yourselves to other families. As parents, you want to give your children the best summer, and that can be overwhelming.

” 34 places where kids can eat free or for £1 during the summer holidays Will free school meals and vouchers be offered over the summer holidays? In a cost of living crisis , it can seem an especially tricky task. Many families struggle to cope without free school meals, and childcare can be extortionate. Lynn Perry, the chief executive of Barnardo’s , says: “The cost of living crisis has squeezed household budgets and tipped more families into poverty, with many people having to make heartbreaking choices about what to cut from their budgets to make ends meet.

” But there is support available, and the Big Issue’s Summer Survival Guide is back to help you navigate the holidays. And you don’t have to spend a lot to have a great time with your kids. Bennett tells parents: “Children really love being with you.
