Earlier this month, 50 Cent hosted Humor & Harmony Weekend in Shreveport, but not everyone was pleased with the lineup. He got called out by Luenell last week, who criticized him for not including any female comedians. Fif fired back yesterday, claiming that if she hadn't been booked and busy, he would have been interested in including her.

Now, Hurricane Chris has weighed in, putting 50 Cent on blast for not highlighting more local artists. The rapper noted how 50 Cent spent a whopping $500K on security for the event, and said that money could have been better used elsewhere. "That money could've went to help the motherf*cking youth," he explains in a clip.

"We don't need more money invested into the police." Read More: 50 Cent Fires Back After Luenell Calls Him Out For All-Male Comedy Fest Lineup Unfortunately, it looks like one of the performers caught wind of Hurricane Chris' comments, and hopped online to address them. In a clip, Louisiana-born artist Fredo Bang points out that he was there, and questions what Hurricane Chris was talking about.

"Hurricane, if he didn't put no Louisiana artists, Louisiana legends, who the f*ck I am then? " he asked. It doesn't look like he was too offended by the mix-up, as he noted in his caption. According to Hurricane Chris, however, Fredo Bang doesn't count.

He took to The Neighborhood Talk 's comments section to clear things up earlier today. He says he was specifically referring to artists from Shreveport, and not from Louisiana as .