*Warning this article contains graphic images Freddie Flintoff revealed the extent of his facial injuries in a previously unseen home video after surviving a near-fatal crash on Top Gear – which viewers said ‘hit hard.’ The former cricketer, 46, appeared on his BBC show Field Of Dreams tonight which he was filming while the accident happened. In a short clip, Freddie is seen with a bandage to the lower right side of his nose, stitches in his upper lip a chin, a swollen nose, and scarring on his forehead, Struggling to speak due to his injuries, Freddie said: ‘I genuinely should not be here after what happened.

It’s going to be a long road back and I’ve only just started. ‘I’ve got to look on the positive side – I’m still here; I’ve got another chance. I’ve got to go at it.

’ Field Of Dreams then cuts to seven months after the accident with a voiceover explaining that Freddie underwent a ‘number of operations’ on his face. ‘But apart from hospital appointments,’ they continued. ‘Freddie rarely leaves his house.

’ Stood in his kitchen, with his injuries starting to heal, Freddie explained: ‘I thought I could just shake it off, I wanted to shake it off and say “Here I am I’m alright”, but that’s not been the case, it’s been a lot harder than I thought. ‘As much as I wanted to go out and do things, I’ve just not been able to.’ He continued: ‘I struggle with anxiety, I have flashbacks, I have nightmares.

But I’m thinking if.