This story is part of the September 22 edition of Sunday Life. See all 14 stories . Tim Draxl is an a ctor and singer.

The 42 year-old shares his day on a plate. During the show interval, Tim Draxl has a cup of peppermint tea and a throat lozenge. 10am My day starts with coffee.

Always. 10.30am Breakfast is a bowl of fresh banana, apple and blueberries topped with probiotic yoghurt, plus two boiled eggs and two slices of light rye toast with butter and vegemite.

10.50am A glass of Metamucil to wash down my vitamin C, D, activated B and flaxseed oil tablets. 1.

30pm After a one kilometre swim and a work meeting over coffee, I have a slice of homemade almond-meal cinnamon cake. 5.45pm A protein shake with banana, peanut butter and full-cream milk after walking to the gym for a 45-minute free weights workout.

8.50pm During show interval at Princess Theatre, I have a cup of peppermint tea and a honey and eucalyptus throat lozenge. 11.

30pm Steak, a large serving of boiled broccoli, beans and carrot with brown rice. I always have dinner after the show because I can’t perform on a full stomach. 12am Four Weetbix sprinkled with brown sugar.

Bedtime is 2am. Dr Joanna McMillan says Top marks for..

. Your post-show meal, which has a nice balance of nutrient-rich meat, three vegies and a wholegrain. Breakfast also gets a tick for the nutritious mix of whole foods, while your protein shake is nicely timed to support your strength workout.

If you keep eating like this you’ll...
