Hey there, bold and beautiful souls, let’s talk about the big 4-0. It’s a milestone that can feel like a double-edged sword: a celebration of life’s journey so far, tinged with a healthy dose of introspection. And for many of us, and I am including myself, that introspection leads to a question that can be both terrifying and thrilling: Is this all there is, particularly when it comes to our careers? Like, is this really it? Maybe you, like me, spent your 20s diligently following the prescribed path.

You know, primary or prep school, then high school, and then university, where you got that beautiful degree that your parents brag about. You toiled away, earned that coveted degree, and landed a “respectable” job. But now, a decade or two in, a nagging feeling persists: this just isn’t it.

The spark has dimmed, the passion has waned, and you’re left wondering: Is this truly my purpose? I have grappled with this for the last few months. The good news, my friends, is a resounding, yes. Here’s the truth bomb we all need to hear: Your first degree, that stepping stone from your youth, doesn’t define your destiny.

It’s simply one chapter in the rich journey of your life. At 40, you’re brimming with experience, honed skills, and a wisdom that comes only with time. A journey that no one can take away that from you.

You’re perfectly positioned to rewrite the script on your career. As I processed, I decided to make a move. I pursued a new degree and got my master.