Ever since began appearing on the map during , players have been desperately trying to figure out who he is and what he wants. Now, many are convinced that he’s a notorious Marvel villain. A theory has emerged in recent weeks that the mysterious hooded figure might actually be Dr Doom, the nemesis of the Fantastic Four and one of the most iconic comic book villains to date.

Speculation that The Wanderer could be Victor von Doom began when the figure started to appear at the same time as Stark Industry Rift Beacons around the island. Plus, Dr Doom is expected to play a major role in Chapter 5 Season 4, according to a that has been accurate so far. But even more signs were spotted on August 6 after the .

Once the patch had gone live, dataminer ‘Wenso’ shared some leaked dialogue between Hope and another Marvel character, , which could add weight to the theory. “I can’t verify this Wanderer is who I think he is, but if it’s him..

. if he’s the one seizing that box’s powers..

. this place may be doomed,” said the leaked voice lines. “Forgive me for speaking plainly, but that thing’s going to destroy us all.

” There is also a radio transmission playing during matches where Hope warns players to avoid The Wanderer, before making what could be another Dr Doom reference. “If you see The Wanderer, do not engage. I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not pretty,” the character said.

“I promise you no matter what comes next, we will fight it. We’re never.