TV celebrity Gráinne Seoige spent last week canvassing the Fianna Fáil delegates of the Galway West constituency to convince them to select her to run for the party in the next general election. It would be a stunning coup for Fianna Fáil to have Ms Seoige on an election ticket and, according to party members who met her last week, she is odds-on to do just that. ‘She was incredibly well received by the delegates of Galway West,’ said a Fianna Fáil member of the Galway West organisation who met Ms Seoige.

‘If they’d had better notice she was coming they would have rolled out the red carpet for her. She’ll be on the ticket alright and she’ll be elected to the Dáil.’ To represent Fianna Fáil, a candidate must be selected by local members to get on the party ticket.

The support of party headquarters is an essential element to success, and it is believed senior Fianna Fáil administrators very much favour Ms Seoige’s selection. Last week, the 50-year-old broadcaster met delegates at the northern end of the constituency near Cong; the town is actually near the border with Mayo, but there is a Galway branch. It is understood TD and former Cabinet minister Éamon Ó Cuív – who has just announced his impending retirement – is aware of Ms Seoige’s candidacy and is backing her.

It is also understood that Mr Ó Cuív’s huge body of Fianna Fáil support of in Galway West, which he has represented for over 30 years, is rowing in behind Ms Seoige.