Following are react ions from foreign leaders and officials to U.S. President Joe Biden ‘s decision to end his campaign to seek reelection in November: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT VOLODYMYR ZELENSKIY: “Ukraine is grateful to President Biden for his unwavering support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom, which, along with strong bipartisan support in the United States, has been and continues to be critical.

Many strong decisions have been made in recent years and they will be remembered as bold steps taken by President Biden in response to challenging times. And we respect today’s tough but strong decision. We will always be thankful for President Biden ‘s leaders hip.

” ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: “I will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle (in the U.S. Congress) that regardless who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains America’s indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East.

“In this time of war and uncertainty it’s important that Israel’s enemies know that America and Israel stand together today, tomorrow and always,” he said, speaking as he left on a visit to Washington. “I plan to see President Biden , whom I’ve known for over 40 years. This will be an opportunity to thank him for the things he did for Israel in the war and during his long and distinguished career in public service, as Senator, as Vice President, and as President.