AN official with a foreign company which partnered City of Harare under a private public partnership (PPP) has vowed to fight to prove the agreements entered between the two entities were above board. Sunshine Development (Pvt) Limited director, Tatiana Ellis, told Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that she came to Zimbabwe with good intentions to invest millions of dollars for the benefit of the people of this country. Sunshine Development (Pvt) Ltd is into land development and Ellis dispelled allegations made against the company regarding immovable property agreements.

Under the PPP deal, Sunshine Development Pvt Limited entered into a partnership with council on 30-70% shareholding agreement. Several council pieces of land were part of deals which would be developed. According to Ellis, the company paid US$40 million between 2006 and 2007 whilst the total amount injected into the project to this day had reached over US$160 million.

During a Question-and-Answer session after a presentation by the company officials in Harare, PAC member, Prosper Mutseyami, asked what the investor and the council had brought into the deal and how the two had worked out the shareholding structure. Another member questioned what had informed the shareholding structure of 30% to 70%. ‘’We will do our best to contribute to this country.

We will work together as partners, but my query is: ls there anyone in the world who can put money on a project without proper paperwork such as .