Paris and Barcelona are traditionally the most popular European vacation destinations, but Europe is not the only place for tourists. Experienced travelers know that the best pearls of history and architecture can be found on other continents. The Express has revealed which two not-so-popular places can compete with the most prominent European sights.

However, you will definitely not find crowds of tourists there - and if you decide to travel a long way, you will have a truly incredible experience. San Miguel de Allende, Mexico San Miguel de Allende is located in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. The city was founded in 1542, and before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, the indigenous Chichimecas lived here.

At first, the Spaniards built a small chapel here, deciding to dedicate the new city to the Archangel Michael. The colonial period was marked by the discovery of silver deposits in Guanajuato and Zacatecas, and the main road passed through San Miguel. The old city has many monuments of the 16th century, and in 2008 it was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Nowadays, it is mostly inhabited by wealthy retirees from Mexico, the United States and Canada, who are attracted by the peace, beauty and pleasant climate. San Miguel de Allende will be a great travel option for those who love art and culture, as the city regularly hosts festivals, galleries and cultural events. Antigua, Guatemala The city of Antigua is located in the central highlands of Guate.