For a brief window, the Borderlands movie wasn't the worst-reviewed film to release this month, but it's now reclaimed that un-enviable title. Earlier this month, Borderlands debuted to a 0% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes , with none of the 23 reviewers who offered their early impressions returning a positive verdict. Since then, that figure has increased to 10% - which, for a brief time, was enough to ensure that Borderlands wasn't the worst-reviewed movie of the month.

When The Crow, a reboot of 1995's gothic superhero franchise, first appeared on Rotten Tomatoes last night, it did so to a score of just 6%. That was enough to see it swoop in underneath Borderlands as this month's worst film. Cue much celebration at Gearbox and movie distributor Lionsgate , presumably.

Unfortunately, any of those celebrations were to be short-lived, as The Crow saw its own gradual improvement, with its overall score rising from that initial 6% to the dizzying highs of 24% critical approval. That's hardly a glowing reception, but it's enough to see The Crow clamber back over Borderlands and avoid the bottom spot. It's been a tricky run for the Borderlands movie - terrible reviews don't often make for excellent box office returns, and the movie's still running about $90 million shy of its $110 million budget.

Possibly as a result of that, Borderlands is reportedly about to turn its back on cinemas , heading to streaming at the end of this month after only three weeks in cinemas. In turn, tha.