Kochi: Seethal Thampi, who acted in ‘Footage’ and suffered a serious injury during its shooting, has sent a legal notice demanding a compensation of Rs 5.75 crore to noted actor Manju Warrier, a co-producer of the movie which was released on Friday. The notice says that civil and criminal procedures would be launched if the amount is not paid within 30 days.

Movie Bucket, a firm with Manju as a partner, is among the producers of ‘Footage’, which was scheduled for release on August 2, but postponed to August 23 following the devastating landslides in Wayanad. Manju also stars in the movie. Seethal has earlier appeared in films such as ‘Nayattu’, ‘Thirike’ and ‘Iratta.

’ She was asked to appear for the shooting of ‘Footage’ for 19 days from May 20, 2023. Seethal suffered the injury while filming in the Chimmini forest in Thrissur on June 9. For the shot, Seethal had to jump from a height and the production crew had placed a form mattress where she was to land.

According to Seethal, she had told the crew that the bed was unsafe after the first jump itself. She was made to jump three or four times more for retakes. However, the crew were still not satisfied and asked Seethal to jump again.

But this time, the bed slid to the side when she landed on it and Seethal’s foot got stuck between some stones under the mattress. “The crew carried me away from the spot, but there were no facilities to keep my foot unmoved. Even though a fight scene was being shot, .