In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the kidneys are considered one of the most vital organs. They are often referred to as the “foundation of all life” or the root of the body’s essential energy (Qi). Health problems, including osteoporosis, low back pain, hair loss, gray hair, gum recession, loose teeth, and tinnitus, may all result from kidney deficiency.

By nourishing the kidneys, these symptoms can be improved and effectively treated. The classic Chinese medical literature “Huangdi Neijing” recorded that “the kidney governs the bones and generates the marrow ..

.” There is an intimate relationship between kidney health and the conditions of other parts of the body such as the bones, teeth, one’s height, and hair. In TCM’s perspective, kidney deficiency refers to the deficiency of kidney essence—in other words, “kidney is the foundation of life.

” The kidney serves such functions as nourishing the bones and teeth, regulating hormones and the immune system, controlling internal fluid flow, and managing mental health. In Western medicine, the kidney refers to an excretion organ that forms part of the wider urinary system. Nephrology focuses on diagnosing and treating kidney diseases, and urology focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions of the urinary system and male reproductive organs.

According to TCM, when the kidney essence and blood are sufficient, the hair will be shiny, the bones will be strong, and the teeth will be robust. When they are.