Most Mumbaikars are gearing up for a Vegetarian month, Shravan for this part of the country. Some feel deprived of fancy food during this time. No fret please.

Vegetarian Michelin Star restaurant, Avtaara, is in Mumbai to give you a fine dine experience par excellence. This restaurant offers a 14 course well-curated vegetarian menu. Each dish is presented in a unique way and preceded by a detailed explanation of the dish by Augustine.

The menu presented to you has a beautiful peacock on it. “Our menu is like the peacock spreading its tail to show off his feathers,” elucidates Augustine. “It slowly allures you with its beauty in every which way – aroma, looks and taste.

” The first course comes in a tray shaped like peacock with its spread feather. It is called Naivedya – an offering to the guest, who is God as per the Indian tradition. Delicate cacao shell filled with almond milk, honey, topped with rose petals and a strand of saffron.

Melt-in-the mouth delicacy which leaves a distinct saffron finish. Alpahara | The second course, Alpahara, has three elements – two come rested on the bed of a flowerpot and the third in a crystal bowl. Air fried okra stuffed with green chilli thecha and their version of aluvadi (again air fried) are served on the pot.

A green apple rosette in the crystal bowl is soon floating in the solkadhi that’s poured over it. A thinner version of the usual solkadhi has tiny cucumber pieces and finely chopped coriander. “The idea is to fir.