Think you know the best way to devour a juicy burger? Think again! The culinary world is no stranger to heated debates, with classic disputes like the proper way to enjoy scones. Do you believe the cream should go before the jam, or are you a fan of going jam first? Other foods are decidedly more straightforward, however. You won't see many people arguing over how to eat a pizza, for example, unless you happen to be one of the few who use a knife and fork .

But it seems that some foods we thought were easy to eat are actually anything but. The humble burger is essentially a jazzed-up sandwich, but according to one food fan , most of us have no idea how to eat it correctly. So if you're planning to sink your teeth into a juicy treat to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day today (September 18th), take note of Max Klymenko's method for a cleaner and more satisfying burger experience.

In a TikTok video, Max, under his handle @maxklymenko, shares what he calls the "only correct way" to eat a burger: flipping it upside down. This trick, he explains, allows the typically thicker top bun to soak up the juices from the patty. Not only does this mean you won't get burger juice all over your fingers, but it also reduces the risk of any slipping and sliding between the bun.

Max stated: "The thick bun is facing downward and it's absorbing all of the juice in the burger. This way the burger will never fall apart." A man's unique way of eating burgers has sparked a heated debate online, with.