“I’m going to bring all my Lana Del Rey records for her to sign" Fontaines D.C. frontman Grian Chatten has spoken about whether he plans to make a collaboration with Lana Del Rey come to fruition at Reading & Leeds 2024 this weekend.

The Irish band are playing the twin-site festival’s main stage on the same days as Del Rey (Saturday August 24 at Reading, and Sunday August 25 at Leeds) after releasing their fourth album, ‘Romance’ , on Friday (23). In 2022, Chatten said in a Big Read interview with NME that Fontaines D.C.

and Del Rey could “do a really good tune together” . “I just want to write some tunes with her,” he explained at the time. “ Her music leans into an era of cinema that I love, and she writes in a way where people can find stories in her music.

” Now, while speaking to NME about the imminent ‘Romance’ , Chatten was asked whether he’ll try to track down the ‘Born To Die’ singer when Fontaines share the bill with her at R&L ’24. “Yeah, I’m going to muscle my way past security and pitch the living fuck out of our band to her!” he responded. “I’m going to bring all my Lana Del Rey records for her to sign as well.

” Chatten continued: “No, I don’t really have any interest in pushing for anything in that kind of way. If it happens naturally, then it happens naturally. I’ve no expectations.

“She doesn’t need to do it, we don’t need to do it, it would just be nice for me as a fan.” As for the group’s upcoming.