AS a flight attendant, people always ask me about who my least favourite passengers are to deal with - and it's a difficult question to answer. Between the drunks , the people refusing to use headphones and the passengers arguing over seat allocations, there's hundreds of other mindless idiots we have to put up with while at work. However, arguably the worst are the couples getting overly-excited on their way to their summer holidays.

The summer months are always much worse for this, with young couples heading off to their romantic sunny getaways . They get on the plane, have a few drinks and get a little amorous, and it really makes the people around them feel uncomfortable. Complaints about people being a little "too affectionate" in the plane cabin aren't uncommon, but around this time of year, they really start to soar.

It's like these people forget where they are and start acting like teenagers, who can't keep their hands off one another. It's really weird behaviour because you wouldn't do that on any other form of transport, or anywhere else in public for that matter. But these people seem to think that planes are the exception to that rule, when they're very much not.

On one of my flights this summer, there was a man sitting in a window seat on his own, with a couple in the window and middle seats, who were effectively trapping him. I've never seen anyone looking quite so awkward before, especially as he was trying to shuffle past them to get to the toilet . He was sli.