With 16 years of experience in the air, Cathay Pacific flight attendant Joyce Chan has seen plenty of noteworthy things at 30000 feet. Among those are memorable and a few not-so-memorable moments with passengers , one of which she has shared with 9Travel. Dishing some of her insights around flying, Joyce also revealed one of the "funniest incidents" she has encountered on the job.

READ MORE: Luggage expert's carry-on packing trick in case of lost baggage When we asked about the 'most hilarious' item left behind by a passenger, the answer was equally unexpected and completely understandable (if you're a parent). " One of the funniest incidents I've encountered was when a couple, busy packing and disembarking, accidentally left their baby behind on the seat," Joyce tells 9Travel . "Each parent thought the other had the baby until they reached the aircraft door.

"They hurried back to retrieve their little one," she adds, "proof that travelling with kids isn't always a breeze." READ MORE: Stay in a lighthouse inside a NSW national park for a truly unique holiday Joyce was also kind enough to shared some flying 'secrets', revealing what it's like behind the scenes and her top tips for passengers. One common question is why planes dim their lights for take-off and landing.

And the answer is simple. "It's for your safety," Joyce says. "Adjusting to natural light and reducing window glare ensures passengers can quickly find emergency exits if needed.

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