As we roll into autumn, experts have warned of a gigantic new species of the bug that are set to enter homes. Although we haven't had much of a summer, the news only gets worse, as homes across the UK await the dreaded 'spider season' with experts warning a surge of the crawlies. Brits often find their homes being used as a base for the eight-legged creatures as they enter mating season.

Following a 'successful' breeding programme, these rat-sized spiders with pizza-sized webs are making a resurgence in the UK. They can be a nuisance for some, and terrifying for others, as they dash across your floors at the speed of light and cause extra housework dusting down all those webs. According to research from pest prevention specialists Pelsis Group , searches for ‘arachnophobia’ have hit record high search levels in the UK compared to other pest-related phobias.

As many as 21 per cent of people across the UK are scared of the beasties, according to a YouGov poll, meaning that tips and tricks to keep them away from homes are often sought after, especially during the autumn mating months. With this in mind, Sophie Thorogood, from the technical team at Pelsis Group, has detailed her top tips to help heel spiders out of your living space this autumn. Spiders tend to enter your home through the smallest of gaps, such as under doors and around windows wherever they can squeeze inside.

This means it is key to keeping them out, by sealing any large gaps around the home. Alhtough you c.