I’ve never been a treadmill person, but something changed on a recent vacation. I wanted to get a few miles in every morning, but there was no convenient running route available. I thought I found a promising local park, but the reviews on AllTrails said nothing nice about it, only complaints about the mosquitoes and ticks, and a claim that there was a toll gate at the only parking lot.

Also, it was 90 degrees out. So I went to the hotel gym to see how much of my planned five-miler I could endure on the treadmill. I put on a good podcast, discovered to my delight that the treadmill had a built-in fan to cool my face, and found myself saying “sure, I could do another mile” four times in a row.

I came back the next day, and the next. I’m as shocked as anyone to say this, but I kind of love the treadmill now. Now that I’m back from vacation, I’m a new person.

Specifically, one who looks at the weather and says: hmm, that treadmill is looking pretty good right now. On a treadmill, you don’t have to worry about sunscreen, , or sunburn. The humidity doesn’t suffocate you, and the no longer matters.

In the winter, you won’t have to contend with icy sidewalks, snow working its way into your shoes, or negative wind chill numbers. You can have a water bottle by your side, without having to worry about . The same goes for anything else you might want to have within reach—your snacks, your inhaler, a sweat towel.

Plus, there are bathrooms nearby if you need them. Befo.