Rapid Mood Changes: Cycling through emotions is much more than being irritable or having a low mood for the day. It is defined by episodes where an individual displays emotions that deviate from normal levels such as unusual anger, anxiety or irritability and low spirits that are challenging to control. Such fluctuations result in emotional outbursts and meltdowns, including during social interactions and routine lives.

(Image Source: ABP Live AI) Isolation or withdrawal from a social environment: A frequently reported symptom of mental health problems is social isolation or lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities. It can be attributed to factors such as low moods, and feeling unimportant or stressed out. Occasionally taking a break is natural, but consistently avoiding social events and withdrawing for extended periods may be a sign of underlying mental health issues.

It is important to maintain social activity and keep in touch with people to support one’s mental well-being. (Image Source: ABP Live AI) Difficulty in attention and memory: Lack of concentration or difficulty in remembering can be stressful to anyone and can even impair normal functioning. Symptoms such as poor memory, difficulty concentrating, confusion, and impaired thinking and decision-making abilities may indicate underlying mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, or acute stress.

This can lead to poor performance in the usual daily tasks and yet result in feelings of hopelessnes.