Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Adams & Butler can arrange for private access into the historic Drury Lane theater. Richard Bagnold The inside of Drury Lane theater with no one else inside. Richard Bagnold I have had the fortune of visiting London more times than I can count and even lived in the dynamic city for a study-abroad semester during my senior year of college.

I thought I had seen it all, done it all and knew a lot— especially since I’m a travel writer and make it a point to unearth the lesser-known gems in addition to the major touristy sites in any destination I’m in. But then, I planned a trip to London with the luxury Dublin-based travel company Adams & Butler , and it was almost as if I saw the city for the first time. I went with my pre-teen and teenaged daughters, and our itinerary gave us a new lens into a familiar place that yielded a trove of discoveries and had us enjoy an unparalleled level of service and luxury.

Siobhan Byrne founded and owns the company. She’s very hands-on with her clients and collaborated with me to plan our trip. But before putting forth any suggestions, she took the time to ask me about what me and my children were interested in, what kind of pace we wanted to travel at and the kinds of restaurants we preferred.

Our itinerary was customized for us down to the last detail. Rather than keep praising without giving specifics, let me tell you five reasons you should plan your next London getaway with Adams .