With their stunning blooms, hydrangeas are a favourite among gardeners , yet it's all too easy to neglect their care needs. At this time of year, it's not unusual for hydrangeas to look less than perfect due to harsh weather conditions, but those that have been overlooked are at greater risk of failing to thrive, wilting, or ceasing to flower altogether. This was the case for one disheartened gardener on the Garden Stew forums who shared an image of their wilted hydrangeas sporting only a handful of blooms, with most of the leaves gone.

The green-fingered enthusiast posted: "I am in need of some advice on helping bring back some damaged and neglected hydrangeas." They explained their plight: "I have two that suffered bad hail storms and also neglect involving letting other close bushes grow over them while I was inactive in the yard. I think the lack of sunshine getting through has not been good for them either.

" But there's hope for the hydrangeas, as fellow forum users chimed in with tips, suggesting that a deep, thorough watering could be the secret to their revival. One experienced gardener, Phillip, advised: "The soil around those bushes looks dry so I would add lots of water. Hydrangeas love water.

..[if watered] the part where the plant is producing green healthy leaves will produce blooms".

It's crucial to remember that hydrangeas have extensive root systems, so it's essential to saturate the ground around them properly, allowing the water to reach several inches deep .