Summary Electric propulsion advances enabled eVTOL technology. eVTOL aircraft address urban air mobility needs. Leading eVTOL companies aim for regulatory compliance in 2024-2025.

An electric vertical take-off and landing ( eVTOL ) aircraft is a variety of VTOL aircraft that uses electric power to hover, take off, and land vertically. The eVTOL aircraft of today evolved from mere concept models as few as five years ago. Significant advances in electric propulsion, including motors, batteries, fuel cells, and electronic controllers, have made eVTOL technology possible.

eVTOL aircraft are under development to meet the emerging need for new aerial vehicles for urban air mobility. In decades past, reciprocating—and turbine-powered rotary-wing aircraft filled the need. However, helicopter operations faced safety challenges in the urban environment and were expensive to acquire and operate.

eVTOL aircraft address safety and cost issues and enable greener and quieter flights. Various companies, including legacy manufacturers such as Airbus , Boeing , Embraer , Honda , Hyundai , and Toyota , and several start-up companies, are developing original eVTOL aircraft designs. The eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) industry is rapidly advancing, with several companies leading this disruptive aviation sector.

Here are five leading eVTOL companies and their background, funding, business plans, and regulatory challenges. 1 Joby Aviation An early pioneer in the eVTOL space Backgro.