Lara Adejoro The World Health Organisation has prequalified the first hepatitis C virus self-test which can provide critical support in expanding access to testing and diagnosis, accelerating global efforts to eliminate hepatitis C. The product, called OraQuick HCV self-test, manufactured by OraSure Technologies, is an extension of the pre-qualified, OraQuick® HCV Rapid Antibody Test, which was initially prequalified by WHO in 2017 for professional use. The UN agency who disclosed this in a press statement on Wednesday noted that the self-test version, specifically designed for use by lay users, provides individuals with a single kit containing the components that are needed to perform the self-test.

WHO recommended HCV self-testing in 2021, to complement existing HCV testing services in countries. The recommendation was based on evidence demonstrating its ability to increase access to and uptake of services, particularly among people who may not otherwise test. It said the national-level HCVST implementation projects, largely supported by Unitaid, have shown high levels of acceptability and feasibility, as well as empowering people through personal choice, autonomy and access to stigma-free self-care services.

“Every day 3,500 lives are lost to viral hepatitis. Of the 50 million people living with hepatitis C, only 36 per cent had been diagnosed, and 20 per cent have received curative treatment by the end of 2022,” says the WHO Director for the Department of Global HIV,.