Health Ambassador First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa yesterday received a moving testimony of a woman who narrowly escaped death, thanks to her ultra-modern mobile hospital and the effectiveness of her nationwide breast and cervical cancer screening programmes. Amai Mnangagwa ushered in a new era in breast cancer screening when she availed her Angel of Hope Foundation’s mobile hospital with mammography equipment to the public for free services to patients. She first took it to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Harare and later to other provinces starting with the rural areas.

The mobile hospital and clinic are presently stationed at the Ministry of Health and Child Care stand where visitors to the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show are flocking for free breast and cervical cancer screening till the last day of the show. Mrs Priscilla Makombe told the First Lady and her entourage at the Harare Agricultural Show that her relative Mrs Adeline Chihute, was alive because of the mother of the nation’s life-saving awareness campaigns and her free cancer screening initiative. Mrs Chihute’s cancer had reached stage three and she was lucky to be alive after being screened in the AOH’s mobile hospital which was offering services at Parirenyatwa Hospital.

Showing the First Lady a picture of the bedridden Mrs Chihute before the help, Mrs Makombe said; “Amai, this woman is living because of you. The cancer had reached stage three and she had lost hope. Most people in the rural areas are r.