How important are memories in life? And why are bad memories the hardest to forget? That seems to be the premise in which “ Bad Memory Eraser ” starts. This new K-drama starring Kim Jae Joong and Jin Se Yeon follows the story of Lee Kun (Kim Jae Joong), a once promising tennis player, and Kyung Joo Yeon, an icy psychiatrist who is eagerly working on a new procedure that would be able to erase bad memories from one’s brain. But could science really be the answer to the pains of the heart? That’s exactly what we will find out in this show! Warning: spoilers from episodes 1-2 ahead! Being highly talented at tennis since a young age, Lee Kun seems to have a bright future ahead of him as the youngest winner of a world championship at barely 13 years old.

However, the same day of his victory, he sees all of his dreams frustrated when he breaks his wrist trying to save his younger brother from an injury. With his incipient career now vanished, his family makes the decision to leave him behind and put his brother in his place to go for training to Australia. Having a successful child might be one of the biggest dreams for any parent, but to sacrifice one of your own children only to see that dream come true looks like too big of a price to pay.

However, that’s exactly what Kun’s family does, and apparently he’s the only one who still has to carry on with the consequences of those decisions. Fast forward to present time, Lee Kun is a depressed man with extremely low self.