Emphasizing the Church is its people, not the building, congregation affirmed 'We are First Baptist Dallas' in group photo where rebuilding has already begun DALLAS , Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following weekly worship services this past Sunday, all 3,000 congregants in attendance for the 11 a.m.

service gathered to pose for a photo outside the remains of First Baptist Dallas' Historic Sanctuary, where construction work on rebuilding efforts has already begun. While the loss of the Historic Sanctuary was devastating to church members, they want to convey that the work of the church never stopped. Regular weekly worship services, ministry programming for the community and the preaching of the Gospel continue unabated.

"We are First Baptist Dallas!" exclaimed Dr. Robert Jeffress , Senior Pastor, alongside congregants as they took the photo on Sunday, captured on video here . "We are here, we are standing strong, and we are open to serve this community.

" Reconstruction plans were announced shortly after the fire, which occurred Friday, July 19 . A selective demolition process was begun to preserve as much of the 134-year-old sanctuary's structure as possible. This included strategically dismantling some sections of the walls that were in danger of collapse, enabling crews to preserve other parts around which the rebuilding process has already begun, with new beams and scaffolding erected to secure what remains.

"We may have lost part of our physical history, but we have a far.