In a rapidly evolving business landscape, visionary leadership and a commitment to wellness are vital for sustained growth and success. As Fine Hygienic Holding (FHH) continues to navigate its future, the company’s strategic focus on acquisitions, operational efficiencies, and wellness innovation underscores its ambition to remain at the forefront of the hygiene and wellness sectors. In this conversation with Elia G Nuqul, the dynamic founder and owner of the Nuqul Group, the founder of eon and the director of Wellness at FHH, we delve into the vision for FHH’s future, the role of technology in wellness and the key trends shaping the industry.

We also explore personal and professional insights on prioritising wellbeing and advice for aspiring young professionals in this dynamic field. What is your vision for the future of Fine Hygienic Holding, and how do you plan to contribute to its growth and success? I believe Fine Hygienic Holding (FHH), with its 66-year history, has a promising future ahead, and my vision for its growth unfolds in five distinct ways. Firstly, acquisitions play a pivotal role in our expansion strategy.

We recently completed the acquisition of Easy Health & Beauty Care, a cosmeceutical company based in Egypt. This milestone underscores our ability to incorporate new and complementary products into our existing hygiene and wellness portfolio. Through the integration of these acquisitions into our route-to-market machine and expanding them across our ma.