Scorpios will receive a substantial amount of money, which will significantly improve their financial situation. Sagittarius will face difficulties. Tarotist and prognosticator Olha Solomka exclusively for AstroOBOZ has compiled a horoscope for all zodiac signs for the week of September 29.

Find out what awaits you. Aries This week will be extremely busy. You'll try to fit in a lot of meetings, negotiations, hobbies, vivid impressions, and everything that will give you pleasure, in addition to your usual work.

To cope with everything, make a detailed action plan and stick to it. Taurus You won't have time for work right now, as your feelings are blooming. You are at the very beginning of a relationship when you see nothing but your love around you.

Fortunately, this period won't last long, and you'll soon get over it and return to reality. Gemini You manage to complete your planned work quickly and spend a lot of time blazing trails in new directions. Use this energy boost for self-development – sign up for courses, and attend seminars or webinars.

Cancer Finally, you can afford to relax and unwind, enjoy the warmth of the remaining summer, and experience some romantic emotions amid this velvet season. Perhaps you should go on vacation somewhere warm, do your favorite hobbies, visit new places, or just enjoy nature. Leo Remain modest and moderate, and conserve your strength.

You can even hide behind others, as long as you are not burdened with unnecessary work because you n.