Gemini will receive a substantial amount of money. Taurus will have a great vacation. Tarotist and prognosticator Olha Solomka has compiled a horoscope for all zodiac signs for August 24-25 exclusively for AstroOBOZ.

Find out what awaits you. Aries You devote a lot of your time to preparing for winter. You may be buying food or appliances, preparing various pickled vegetables for the winter, or doing other things to ensure a stable and predictable winter.

Taurus This weekend should be dedicated to complete relaxation. Allow yourself to relax as much as possible, and organize your days so that someone else does the work for you if necessary. Enjoy the rest in the shade and recuperate.

Gemini Pleasant financial surprises may await you. Perhaps you will be repaid your debts or receive an unexpected gift. You can spend this money on something personal and enjoyable, perhaps even on luxury items or memorabilia such as jewelry.

Cancer Don't skimp on your vacation because you deserve the best. Choose the best treatments, places and surroundings you can find. Allow yourself all the whims and luxuries you want.

Your vacation should be complete and unforgettable so that you can recuperate and enjoy life. Leo Household chores require your attention. During the week, you could have neglected this area, so you'll have to devote the weekend to cleaning, washing, repairing, and preparing food for the winter.

This will help you put your house in order and prepare for the upcoming cold weathe.