FINANCE Secretary Samuel Penias says that about K15 million in total has been distributed to NCD and Vanimo to prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis on September 06. He said: “We have already disbursed the monies to NCD and Vanimo, for NCD we have disbursed K5 million and for Vanimo K10 million has been disbursed”. All funding has been done and it is up to us to follow the monies and ensure we pay the service providers Secretary Penias said.

Papua New Guinea becomes the focus of the world as Pope Francis visits the country on 6-9 September 2024. He will be in Port Moresby much of the time and will be paying a short 3-hour visit to Vanimo. In Port Moresby, the security personnel have been carrying out dry runs of how the Pope will be moved from site to site.

The PNG Government has asked the Australian Government to assist with the movement of Pope Francis to Vanimo, West Sepik province. And Australia has responded with a resounding yes and will send the Australia Defence Carrier to PNG to bring the Pope to Vanimo. Minister for Foreign Affairs Justin Tkatchenko said, “For the trip to Vanimo, the Australia Defence Force will bring the pope to Vanimo.

” “The Australian Government has graciously accepted our call for support and will provide a ADF Carrier to bring the Pope to Vanimo and back to Port Moresby.” The preparations in the province is being led by Father Miguel, who gave an update to the Post-Courier Online on the work currently taking place on the ground. �.