Final Jeopardy Today August 9, 2024 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner By Below you’ll find the . As with the latest run of episodes, we are still getting through a re-run of the Tournament of Champions for Season 40 that occurred earlier this year. This episode in particular is also a repeat, this time being the match that took place on March 12, 2024.

Tonight’s episode will feature contestants Yogesh Raut from Washington, Ben Chan from Wisconsin, and Troy Meyer from Florida. Here’s the question and answer for Final Jeopardy for 8/9/2024, including the contestants’ wagers and the winner. Final Jeopardy Question for August 9 The Final Jeopardy question for August 9, 2024 is in the category of “World Theater” and has the following clue: This 1867 play has a reindeer hunt & a king dwelling in snowy mountains but its title character also spends time in Morocco & Egypt Like our previous guides, you can find the answer in the final section.

This is in case you don’t want to know the solution right away. Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for August 9 Ben, despite being in third place before Final Jeopardy, was the winner of the August 9 match. Two people actually got the right response for Final Jeopardy, but Ben decided to take a risk and it paid off.

In a wild comeback, Ben only had $10,000 heading into the final clue, but got the question correct and gained a wagered $5,601 to finish first with $15,601. Yogesh also got the question correct, but didn’t risk anyth.