Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi thinks Part 3 will be one of the best games ever made. Hamaguchi made the comments during a live presentation called 'Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Summoning A Masterpiece' (timestamped here ), where he was joined by producer Yoshinori Kitase to talk mostly about the making of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. At some point, the conversation turned toward the future of the trilogy, and both Hamaguchi and Kitase really took the opportunity to hype up fans.

"When I think about the third and final game in the Remake trilogy, it really does fill me with excitement, and I have such great expectations toward it as well," said Kitase. "I really hope the fans can have great expectations toward this game, and we will meet those expectations. We will definitely expand on and make the world of Final Fantasy 7 even bigger than it is now.

" Kitase said fan feedback from the first two games will be "reflected in the third game" and promised "it'll be exactly what the fans are looking for." He also described the third game as a "synergy" of "nostalgia and new innovation". We don't have anything close to a release date yet, and the third game in the trilogy is likely years from releasing, but Hamaguchi did say recently that Square Enix is considering moving its development over to Unreal Engine 5 if it becomes convinced it would speed things up .

"The development team is hard at work as we speak, and we're going to make the game something that even beats an.