New Delhi: Filmmaker Devashish Makhija known for directing 'Bhonsle' and 'Joram' spoke about being financially insecure in the industry even after making critically-acclaimed films. Makhija said it took him 14 years to make his first feature film and had he known that it would take this long to start his career, he would have packed his bags and gone home to Kolkata. In an interview with Long Live Cinema YouTube channel, he shared that he has not been able to secure himself financially.

Devashishs Makhija also shared that he does not know where his next paycheck will come from. About being financially insecure Makhija said he is reluctant to go into details about his struggles. “Even today, when I call an actor or someone to meet me, they say, ‘Where’s your office?’ and I say, ‘I don’t have an office, so you tell me where you are, or we’ll meet in a coffee shop, and I’ll tell you which coffee shop because I can’t afford most of the coffee shops in Versova’.

I’m still in that place,” he added. About things not changing even after 4 feature films “I get called for meetings in studios, and the executive calling me tells me where to park my car. I say, ‘I don’t have a car’.

I don’t even have a two-wheeler. So they ask me how I’ll come, and I tell them I’ll come by auto, or if it’s far, by bus. The minute I enter those meetings, they think of me as someone who travels by auto and bus, so they talk to me that way.

They think that I’ll work .