DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – A Filipina who specializes in supporting children with autism has gone a step forward, advocating the advancement of education for them through innovations using social robots. “This work is deeply fulfilling, as I witness the transformative impact it has on the lives of those I serve. Despite the challenges I've faced, the rewards have been immense,” said Lilac Perez Hosalla Schonberg, who holds a degree in electrical computer engineering from Ateneo de Manila’s Makati campus that she later on upgraded at Oxford University for her AI and mechatronic program.

Schonberg, one of the Middle East’s top education influencers, said her work advocating support for children with autism began while she was doing her master’s degree in social psychology with a focus on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Pearson Institute for Higher Education. Authentic interactions “Working with individuals on the spectrum has allowed me to have authentic interactions, which is something I adore. They are so pure.

Majority of autistic persons I've seen have a beautiful directness. And I started to become fascinated with them so much so that I’ve managed to integrate the robotics into their behavioral acceptance,” Schonberg said. She said robotics has been proven to be effective in supporting individuals with autism by enhancing social skills, communication, behavioral therapy, and cognitive development.

Schonberg further explained: “Ro.