Fifty buildings in York – including a palace and windmill – will open their doors to the public, offering a chance to explore the sites for free. York Unlocked lets visitors look around the unique buildings – historic and modern – when it returns on Saturday, October 5, to Sunday, October 6, for the third year. Visitors can look inside Bishopthorpe Palace, Terry’s Clock Tower, The Guildhall and Herbert House.

The Friends of York Art Gallery are also opening their Fine Art Store for tours, showcasing its “behind the scenes” collection. “Even if you’ve lived in York your whole life, this is a chance to see something new or get behind a door you’ve always wondered about,” said Kathy Kind, who founded the event. Most buildings offer general access, including York Medical Society (Sunday only), Bar Convent, Holgate Windmill and Merchant Taylors’ Hall.

Others – like Bishopthorpe Palace and Terry's Clock Tower – require booking, especially for tours, a York Unlocked spokesperson said. Tickets will be available from 10am on Saturday, September 7. For those unable to attend in person, a livestream event hosted by travel vlogger John Wright will be available.

“In previous years, some buildings have booked up immediately, so we encourage visitors to join the mailing list to be the first to hear about tickets,” the event spokesperson added. “For those who miss out on tickets, there is still plenty to see and do.” Visitors can also book on to tours, inc.