If you want to befriend and eventually one of the villagers in , you’re going to need to bring a lot of gifts to the table. With all of the items in-game, it can be hard to figure out which gifts will work most in your favor. If your long-term goal is to woo Eiland, you have two options.

You can give him all of your spare Artifacts, although there’s no guarantee that he will love what you give him (I ran some experiments and he seems to feel at least Neutral about every Artifact I was able to give him), or you can find your way to your heart through his stomach. Eiland’s loved gifts in Fields of Mistria As always, . Instead, I’ll focus on items you get and how to get them.

When other items become available in future patches, I’ll update this list accordingly. Although there are a couple of Artifacts that fall under Eiland’s loved gifts, I’d suggest going through his stomach instead. As such, if your long-term goal is to woo Eiland, I’d suggest getting at least one chicken and one cow, as you’re going to need their produce, and leveling up your Cooking Skill.

If you don’t want to cook these, or don’t have the recipes, you could get lucky and find them at The Sleeping Dragon Inn, Balor’s Wagon, or Darcy’s Stall at the Saturday Market. Eiland’s liked gifts in Fields of Mistria Eiland definitely seems to have a sweet tooth, so all of his liked gifts are also food based and the majority of them fall under the Desserts category. If you don’t have the r.