FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV is a truly expansive MMO. There are hundreds of hours of Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) content, and that’s without counting side quests, content not related to the story, or duties outside of it. There’s a whole world to get lost in, and it can seem a bit daunting, but it's not so bad if you break it down into manageable chunks.Table of contentsA Realm RebornPost-ARR MSQ questsHeavenswardDragonsong WarPost-Dragonsong WarStormbloodPost-StormbloodPost-ShadowbringersEndwalkerPost-EndwalkerDawntrailPost DawntrailA Realm RebornImage via Square EnixBetween level 1 and 15, you’ll have different quests depending on where you start your journey. You’ll need to complete 160 - 160 MSQ quests (Ul’dah gets one extra, for some reason) to get through the bulk of ARR. As this is the first introduction to the world of FFXIV, I’ll note down where to find each quest to help you along. Starting City: GridaniaClasses: Lancer, Archer, ConjurerLevelQuestNPC1Coming to GridaniaBertennantNew Gridania(X:13.6, Y:14.1)1Close to HomeMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)4To the BannockMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)5Passing MusterGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.9)5Chasing ShadowsGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.9)7Eggs over QueasyGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.9)8Surveying the DamageMonranguinCentral Shroud(X:25.5, Y:19.3)9A Soldier’s BreakfastPaulineCentral Shroud(X:27.2, Y:20.8)9Spirithold BrokenGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.9)10On to BentbranchMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)10You Shall Not TrespassKeithaCentral Shroud(X:20.3, Y:22.0)11Don’t Look DownOsha JaabCentral Shroud(X:18.9, Y:20.5)11In the Grim Darkness of the ForestTheodoreCentral Shroud(X:17.6, Y:19.1)11Threat Level ElevatedRoselineCentral Shroud(X:18.9, Y:20.6)12Migrant MaraudersEylgarCentral Shroud(X:20.1, Y:21.7)13A Hearer Is Often LateLothaireCentral Shroud(X:22.4, Y:26.0)13Salvaging the SceneArmelleCentral Shroud(X:25.0, Y:28.1)14Leia’s LegacyLuquelotCentral Shroud(X:20.2, Y:21.6)14Dread Is in the AirLuquelotCentral Shroud(X:20.2, Y:21.6)14To Guard a GuardianMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)14Festive EndeavorsLewinSeat of the First Bow (X:3.5, Y:3.4)14Renewing the CovenantMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)15The Gridanian EnvoyKan-E-SennaThe Lotus Stand(X:6.2, Y:6.1)15Call of the SeaBartholemewUl’dah - Steps of Thal(X:10.7, Y:12.9)City: Limsa LominsaClasses: Marauder, ArcanistLeveQuestNPC1Coming to Limsa LominsaRyssflohLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks(X:10.4, Y:11.1)1Close to HomeBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)4On to SummerfordBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)5Dressed to CallStaelwyrnMiddle La Noscea(X:25.6, Y:17.0)5Lurkers in the GrottoStaelwyrnMiddle La Noscea(X:25.6, Y:17.0)7Washed UpStaelwyrnMiddle La Noscea(X:25.6, Y:17.0)8Double DealingStaelwyrnMiddle La Noscea(X:25.6, Y:17.0)9Loam MaintenanceGurcantMiddle La Noscea(X:25.5, Y:17.2)9Plowshares to SwordsPfrewahlMiddle La Noscea(X:21.4, Y:15.3)9Just DesertsStaelwyrnMiddle La Noscea(X:25.6, Y:17.0)10Sky-highBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)11Thanks a MillionWyrkrhitMiddle La Noscea (X:15.8, Y:16.4)11Relighting the TorchFraeloefWestern La Noscea(X:34.5, Y:31.9)11On to the DrydocksH’naanzaLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:10.5, Y:15.4)12Without a DoubtAhtbyrmLower La Noscea(X:26.4, Y:33.7)12Righting the ShipwrightHaldbrodaLower La Noscea(X:20.7, Y:38.7)13Do Angry Pirates DreamAhtbyrmLower La Noscea(X:26.4, Y:33.7)14Victory in PerilGhimthotaLower La Noscea(X:24.8, Y:35.1)14Men of the Blue TattoosGhimthotaLower La Noscea(X:24.8, Y:35.1)14Feint and StrikeBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)14High SocietyReyner HansredLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.1, Y:6.0)14A Mizzenmast RepastBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)15The Lominsan EnvoyMerlwybCommand Room(X:3.5, Y:3.4)15Call of the SeaBartholemewUl’dah - Steps of Thal(X:10.7, Y:12.9)Starting city: Ul’dahStarting classes: Gladiator, Pugilist, ThaumaturgeLevelQuestNPC1Coming to Ul’dahWymondUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.9, Y:8.2)1Close to HomeMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)4We Must RebuildMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)5Nothing to See HerePapashanCentral Thanalan(X:22.9, Y:27.8)5Underneath the SultantreePapashanCentral Thanalan(X:22.9, Y:27.8)6Step NineCicidoaCentral Thanalan(X:23.1, Y:27.7)8Prudence at This JunctionRogerCentral Thanalan(X:19.4, Y:20.6)9Out of House and HomeWarinCentral Thanalan(X:20.8, Y:18.5)9Way Down in the HoleZuzumedaCentral Thanalan(X:20.7, Y:18.3)10Takin’ What They’re Givin’MomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)10Supply and DemandsDadanenWestern Thanalan(X:22.6, Y:17.3)10Give It to Me RawDrunken StagWestern Thanalan(X:26.2, Y:18.2)11The Perfect StormDrunken StagWestern Thanalan(X:26.2, Y:18.2)11Last Letter to Lost HopeFufulupaCentral Thanalan(X:22.6, Y:17.1)12Heir Today, Gone TomorrowLeofricCentral Thanalan(X:23.3, Y:16.0)12Passing the BladeLeofricCentral Thanalan(X:23.3, Y:16.0)13Following FootfallsFufulupaCentral Thanalan(X:22.6, Y:17.1)13Storms on the HorizonNunuzofuWestern Thanalan(X:17.9, Y:16.0)14Oh Captain, My CaptainMerildaWestern Thanalan(X:14.9, Y:18.9)14Secrets and LiesFufulupaCentral Thanalan(X:22.6, Y:17.1)14Duty, Honor, CountryMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)14A Matter of TraditionOwyneHeart of the Sworn(X:6.1, Y:6.0)14A Royal ReceptionMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)15The Ul’dahn EnvoyRaubahnUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:8.4, Y:8.9)15Call of the SeaSerpent OfficerOld Gridania(X:8.0, Y:11.1)Levels 15 - 20After this point, everyone will complete the same MSQ quests regardless of their starting city state or class. From this point, I’ve noted any duties that are unlocked through the MSQ.When it comes to “The Company You Keep”, you’ll only complete one of the quests listed below and then a specific follow-up quest, depending on which Grand Company you choose to join. LevelQuestNPCDuties15It’s Probably PiratesBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)Sashtasha15Call of the ForestBaderonLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:11.0, Y:11.1)16Fire in the GloomMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)The Tam-Tara Deepcroft16Call of the DesertMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.5)17Into a Copper HellMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)Copperbell Mines17The Scions of the Seventh DawnMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)17A Wild Rose by Any Other NameMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)17Unsolved MysteryIsembardEastern Thanalan(X:13.9, Y:23.6)18What Poor People ThinkIsembardEastern Thanalan(X:13.9, Y:23.6)18A Proper BurialIsembardEastern Thanalan(X:13.9, Y:23.6)19For the ChildrenIsembardEastern Thanalan(X:13.9, Y:23.6)19Amalj’aa Wrong PlacesIsembardEastern Thanalan(X:13.9, Y:23.6)19Dressed to DeceiveIsembardEastern Thanalan(X:13.9, Y:23.6)19Life, Materia and EverythingMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)20Lord of the InfernoMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)The Bowl of Embers20A Hero in the MakingMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)20The Company You Keep (Immortal Flames)Flame OfficerThe Waking Sands(X:6.8, Y:6.3)20For Coin and Country (If you chose Immortal Flames)Flame Personnel OfficerUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:8.3, Y:9.0)20The Company You Keep (Maelstrom)Storm OfficerThe Waking Sands(X:6.8, Y:6.2)20Til Sea Swallows All (if you chose Maelstrom)Storm Personnel OfficerLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks(X:13.1, Y:12.7)20The Company You Keep (Twin Adder)Serpent OfficerThe Waking Sands(X:6.8, Y:6.1)20Wood’s Will Be Done(if you chose Twin Adders)Serpent Personnel OfficerNew Gridania(X:9.8, Y:11.0)20Sylph-managementMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)20We Come in PeaceVorsaile HeuloixNew Gridania(X:9.7, Y:11.1)20Sylphic StudiesRolfe HawthorneEast Shroud(X:16.7, Y:27.1)20First ImpressionsRolfe HawthorneEast Shroud(X:16.7, Y:27.1)Levels 21 - 30LevelQuestNPCDuties21First ContactRolfe HawthorneEast Shroud(X:16.7, Y:27.1)21Dance Dance DiplomacyYda East Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.6)21Forest FriendPapalymoEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.6)21Presence of the EnemyKomuxioEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.6)22Brotherly LoveKomuxioEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.6)22Spirited AwayKomuxioEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.6)22Druthers House RulesBuscaronSouth Shroud(X:18.1, Y:19.8)23Never ForgetBuscaronSouth Shroud(X:18.1, Y:19.8)23MicrobrewingTeteroonUpper La Noscea(X:14.7, Y:24.4)23Like Fine WineTeteroonUpper La Noscea(X:14.7, Y:24.4)23Sylhpish ConcernsBuscaronSouth Shroud(X:18.1, Y:19.8)23Nouveau RicheBuscaronSouth Shroud(X:18.1, Y:19.8)24Into the Beast’s MawBuscaronSouth Shroud(X:18.1, Y:19.8)The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak24A Simple GiftBuscaronSouth Shroud(X:18.1, Y:19.8)24Believe in Your SylphKomuxioEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.6)24Back from the WoodVorsaile HeuloixNew Gridania(X:9.7, Y:11.1)24Shadow of DarknessMinfilia WardeThe Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)24Highbridge TimesHihibaruEastern Thanalan(X:20.2, Y:21.3)25Where There Is SmokeHihibaruEastern Thanalan(X:20.2, Y:21.3)25On to Little Ala MhigoHihibaruEastern Thanalan(X:20.2, Y:21.3)25Tea for ThreeGisilbehrtSouthern Thanalan(X:17.8, Y:13.4)25Foot in the DoorGisilbehrtSouthern Thanalan(X:17.8, Y:13.4)26Meeting with the ResistanceMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)26Killing Him SoftlyMeffridSouth Shroud(X:25.6, Y:20.6)27Helping HornMeffridSouth Shroud(X:25.6, Y:20.6)27He Ain’t HeavyMeffridSouth Shroud(X:25.6, Y:20.6)27Come Highly RecommendedMeffridSouth Shroud(X:25.6, Y:20.6)27The Bear and the Young’uns’ CaresGundobaldSouthern Thanalan(X:16.9, Y:14.4)27Wilred Wants YouHermfingSouthern Thanalan(X:16.9, Y:14.3)27Big Trouble in Little Ala MhigoGundobaldSouthern Thanalan(X:16.9, Y:14.4)27Back to Square OneGundobaldSouthern Thanalan(X:16.9, Y:14.4)27Terror at FallgourdMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)28Ziz is So RidiculousAideenNorth Shroud(X:21.8, Y:26.7)28Seeing Eye to Winged EyeIvauraultNorth Shroud(X:21.8, Y:26.7)28Rock of RancorAideenNorth Shroud(X:21.8, Y:26.7)28Power of DeductionMedrodNorth Shroud(X:21.7, Y:26.7)28Secret of the White LilyAethelmaerNorth Shroud(X:19.6, Y:25.3)28Skeletons in Her closetUrsandelOld Gridania(X:11.9, Y:4.5)Haukke Manor30Wrath of the TitanMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)30Tales from the Tidus SlayerTrachtoumLower La Noscea(X:35.6, Y:15.9)30Hungry Hungry GoobbuesTrachtoumLower La Noscea(X:35.6, Y:15.9)30The Lominsan WayTrachtoumLower La Noscea(X:35.6, Y:15.9)30Nix ThatWheiskaetEastern La Noscea(X:32.6, Y:30.5)30A Modest ProposalWheiskaetEastern La Noscea(X:32.6, Y:30.5)30Trial by TurtleLandenelSouth Shroud(X:16.8, Y:28.2)Levels 31 - 40LevelQuestNPCDuties31The Perfect PreyU’odh NunhSouthern Thanalan(X:14.3, Y:29.9)31When the Worm TurnsU’odh NunhSouthern Thanalan(X:14.3, Y:29.9)31There and Back AgainU’odh NunhSouthern Thanalan(X:14.3, Y:29.9)32The Things We Do for CheeseWheiskaetEastern La Noscea(X:32.6, Y:30.5)Brayflox’s Longstop32What Do You Mean You Forgot The WineWheiskaetEastern La Noscea(X:32.6, Y:30.5)32An Offer You Can RefuseShamani LohmaniEastern La Noscea (X:21.6, Y:21.1)32It Won’t WorkShamani LohmaniEastern La Noscea (X:21.6, Y:21.1)33Give a Man a DrinkShamani LohmaniEastern La Noscea (X:21.6, Y:21.1)33That WeightDrestEastern La Noscea(X:14.0, Y:30.3)33Battle ScarsDrestEastern La Noscea(X:14.0, Y:30.3)33It Was a Very Good YearShamani LohmaniEastern La Noscea (X:21.6, Y:21.1)33In the Company of HeroesY’shtolaEastern La Noscea(X:32.6, Y:30.5)33As You WishWheiskaetEastern La Noscea(X:32.6, Y:30.5)34Lord of CragsRiolUpper La Noscea(X:31.0, Y:24.0)The Navel34All Good ThingsY’shtolaUpper La Noscea(X:30.0, Y:23.1)35You Can’t Take It With YouMarquesEastern Thanalan(X:11.2, Y:21.3)35Bringing Out the DeadElunedEastern Thanalan(X:11.5, Y:22.2)35Bury Me Not on the Lone PrairieElunedEastern Thanalan(X:11.5, Y:22.2)35Eyes On MeMarquesEastern Thanalan(X:11.2, Y:21.3)36He Who Waited BehindIliudEastern Thanalan(X:11.2, Y:21.3)36Cold ReceptionVortefaurtNorth Shroud(X:15.4, Y:25.4)36The Unending WarLudovoixCoerthas Central Highlands(X:24.9, Y:28.5)36Men of HonorJoceaCoerthas Central Highlands(X:25.5, Y:29.8)36Three for ThreePortelaineCoerthas Central Highlands(X:24.8, Y:28.8)36The Rose and the UnicornCarrilautCoerthas Central Highlands(X:24.7, Y:28.8)37The Talk of CoerthasHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)38Road to RedemptionHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)38Following the EvidenceHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)38In the Eyes of Gods and MenHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)38The Final Flight of the EnterpriseHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)39Ye of Little FaithBrunadierCoerthas Central Highlands(X:11.9, Y:17.4)39Factual FolkloreHaustefortCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.9, Y:17.5)39The Best InventionsCidCoerthas Central Highlands(X:13.1, Y:15.4)40Influencing InquisitorsCidCoerthas Central Highlands(X:13.1, Y:15.4)40By the Lights of IshgardAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.7, Y:16.5)40Blood for BloodAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.7, Y:16.5)40The Heritic Among UsDrillemontCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.8, Y:17.4)Levels 41 - 50LevelQuestNPCDuties41In Pursuit of the PastAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.7, Y:16.5)The Stone Vigil41Into the Eye of the StormCidNew Gridania(X:11.3, Y:13.6)41Sealed with ScienceLamberteintEastern Thanalan(X:12.7, Y:23.4)41With the Utmost CareHahasakoEastern Thanalan(X:21.4, Y:21.9)41A Promising ProspectLamberteintEastern Thanalan(X:12.7, Y:23.4)42It’s Probably Not PiratesCeanaWestern La Noscea(X:27.9, Y:27.0)42Representing the RepresentativeCeanaWestern La Noscea(X:27.9, Y:27.0)42The Reluctant ResearchedCeanaWestern La Noscea(X:27.9, Y:27.0)42Sweet SomethingsDavydWestern La Noscea(X:16.1, Y:30.7)42History RepeatingDavydWestern La Noscea(X:16.1, Y:30.7)43The Curious Case of GiggityCeanaWestern La Noscea(X:27.9, Y:27.0)43Better Late than NeverHedynOld Gridania(X:8.7, Y:8.2)44Lady of the VortexCidNew Gridania(X:11.3, Y:13.6)The Howling Eye44ReclamationAlphinaudUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:10.3, Y:11.1)44Casing the CastrumY’shtolaThe Waking Sands(X:6.8, Y:6.1)44Eyes on the EmpirePortelaineCoerthas Central Highlands(X:24.8, Y:28.8)44Footprints in the SnowPierremonsCoerthas Central Highlands(X:14.3, Y:35.2)44Monumental HopesWedgeCoerthas Central Highlands(X:7.4, Y:28.9)44Notorious BiggsWedgeCoerthas Central Highlands(X:7.4, Y:28.9)44Come-Into-My-CastrumCidCoerthas Central Highlands(X:7.5, Y:28.9)44Getting Even with GarlemaldGlaumuntMor Dhona(X:22.5, Y:7.5)46Drowning Out the VoicesCidMor Dhona(X:22.0, Y:7.7)46Acting the PartGlaumuntMor Dhona(X:22.5, Y:7.5)46Dressed for ConquestSark MalarkMor Dhona(X:22.5, Y:7.5)46Fool Me TwiceGlaumuntMor Dhona(X:22.5, Y:7.5)46Every Little Thing She Does Is MagitekCidMor Dhona(X:6.0, Y:6.0)46Escape from Castrum CentriCidMor Dhona(X:6.0, Y:6.0)46The Black Wolf’s UltimatumMinfilia WardeUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:10.3, Y:11.2)49Operation ArchonMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)49A Hero in NeedAllied Communications OfficerWestern Thanalan(X:12.1, Y:11.9)49Hearts on FireCracked FistNorthern Thanalan(X:22.2, Y:29.8)50Rock the CastrumEdelsteinNorthern Thanalan(X:20.8, Y:22.1)Castrum Meridianum50The Ultimate WeaponRaubahnNorthern Thanalan(X:15.5, Y:16.9)The PraetoriumThe Porta DecumanaPost-ARR MSQ questsThe following quests were added in patches following the initial release of A Realm Reborn and set up the story arc for Heavensward. They are all level 50 quests.Patch 2.1 - A Realm AwokenQuestNPCDutiesThe Price of PrinciplesMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)Moving OnMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)All Things in TimeF’lhaminnEastern La Noscea(X:20.7, Y:21.5)Laying the FoundationMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)It’s Possibly a PrimalSlafbornMor Dhona(X:21.9, Y:7.8)Hail to the King, KupoVorsaile HeuloixNew Gridania(X:9.7, Y:11.1)You Have Selected RegicideE-Sumi-YanOld Gridania(X:6.0, Y:10.6)Thornmach (Hard)On the Properties of PrimalsRaya-O-SennaSouth Shroud(X:18.6, Y:27.1)The GiftedMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)Build on the StoneMinfilia The Waking Sands(X:6.9, Y:6.1)Patch 2.2 - Through the MaelstromQuestNPCDutiesStill WatersMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)A Final TemptationThancredWestern Thanalan(X:22.6, Y:17.0)The Mothers of ExilesThancredWestern Thanalan(X:22.6, Y:17.0)Promises to KeepRaubahnUl’dah - Steps of Thal(X:10.8, Y:12.3)Yugiri’s GameAlphinaudUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.7, Y:9.6)Why We AdventureHozanWestern Thanalan(X:11.5, Y:14.3)All Due RespectAlphinaudUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.7, Y:9.6)The Sea RisesMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Scouts in DistressFalkbrydaWestern La Noscea(X:22.7, Y:22.7)The Gift of EternityFalkbrydaWestern La Noscea(X:22.7, Y:22.7)Into the Heart of the WhorlMerlwybWestern La Noscea(X:13.1, Y:13.4)The Whorleater (Hard)Lord of the WhorlEynzahr SlafyrsynLower La Noscea(X:24.5, Y:33.1)When Yugiri Met the FraternityZanthaelLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks(X:11.4, Y:10.9)Through the MaelstromYugiriLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks(X:8.9, Y:14.3)Patch 2.3 - Defenders of EorzeaQuestNPCDutiesThe Great DivideMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Desperate TimesAlphinaudUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.7, Y:9.6)Shock and AweTerrified RefugeeCentral Thanalan(X:25.2, Y:15.4)Reap the WhirlwindTerrified RefugeeCentral Thanalan(X:25.2, Y:15.4)RevolutionSwiftUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:8.4, Y:8.9)Stories We TellAlphinaudUl’dah - Steps of Thal(X:10.7, Y:12.9)Lord of LevinMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Levin an ImpressionSerpent LieutenantEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.7)The Striking Tree (Hard)What Little Gods Are Made OfSerpent LieutenantEast Shroud(X:21.9, Y:25.7)Guardian of EorzeaMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Recruiting the RealmAlphinaudThe Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Heretical HarassmentMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)When the Cold Sets InHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)Brave New CompanionsSlafbornMor Dhona(X:21.9, Y:7.8)Patch 2.4 - Dreams of IceQuestNPCDutiesTraitor in the MidstMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Back and FourthIlberdUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:8.6, Y:9.0)Coming to TermsAlphinaudThe Rising Stones(X:6.7, Y:6.1)The Intercession of SaintsAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.0)Strength in UnityAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.5)Dark Words, Dark DeedsDrillemontCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.8, Y:17.4)First BloodDrillemontCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.8, Y:17.4)The Path of the RighteousDrillemontCoerthas Central Highlands(X:12.8, Y:17.4)SnowcloakFor the Greater GoodAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:3.4, Y:21.2)Tendrils of IntrigueAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.0, Y:28.4)Chasing IvyIlberd New Gridania(X:10.2, Y:11.6)In Flagrante DelictoIlberd New Gridania(X:12.2, Y:13.2)A Simple PlanMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)The Instruments of Our DeliveranceMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)The Road Less TraveledMoenbrydaCoerthas Central Highlands(X:3.3, Y:21.2)Eyes UncloudedAlphinaudCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.0)The Reason RoailleMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Let Us Cling TogetherAlphinaud Northern Thanalan(X:17.3, Y:18.8)Patch 2.5 - Before the Fall (Part 1)QuestNPCDutiesGood IntentionsMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Bait and SwitchIlberdEastern Thanalan(X:21.1, Y:21.1)Best Laid SchemesIlberdEastern Thanalan(X:21.1, Y:21.1)The Rising ChorusTataruThe Rising Stones(X:6.0, Y:5.9)The Keeper of the LakeAether on DemandAlphinaudThe Rising Stones(X:6.0, Y:6.0)On the CounteroffensiveEdelsteinNorthern Thanalan(X:20.8, Y:22.1)An Uninvited AscianEdelsteinNorthern Thanalan(X:20.8, Y:22.1)The ChrysalisIn Memory of MoenbrydaMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Patch 2.55 - Before the Fall (Part 2)QuestNPCDutiesMask of GriefMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Defenders of IshgardAlphinaudThe Rising Stones(X:6.0, Y:5.2)The Wyrm’s RoarAlphinaud Coerthas Central Highlands(X:18.5, Y:15.4)Committed to the CauseAlphinaudIntercessory(X:6.0, Y:6.1)Volunteer DragonslayersMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)An Allied PerspectiveTataruMor Dhona(X:22.1, Y:8.3)The Steps of FaithMarcelainCoerthas Central Highlands(X:18.1, Y:14.9)Broken BridgesAdministrative DecisionMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)An Unexpected AmbitionMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Ancient Ways, Timeless WantsTataruLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks(X:4.6, Y:11.4)Where We Are NeededMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)The Least Among UsUnsettled ScholarSouth Shroud(X:17.3, Y:28.6)A Time to Every PurposeMinfilia The Rising Stones(X:6.1, Y:5.2)Come, But Not GoneMinfiliaUl’dah - Steps of Thal(X:11.1, Y:11.6)The Parting GlassMomodiUl’dah - Steps of Nald(X:11.6, Y:9.6)Before the DawnHaurchefantCoerthas Central Highlands(X:26.7, Y:17.4)HeavenswardImage via Square EnixOnce you’ve made it to Heavensward, you likely have a good handle on how to find your next quest, so from here on out I’m going to drop the locations and just state the NPC who starts the quest. I’m also going to break down the quests into their individual levels to help you keep track. There are a total of 94 Heavensward MSQ quests to get through, not including Post-Heavensward story arcs. Level 50QuestNPCComing to IshgardAlphinaudTaking in the SightsAlphinaudThe Better HalfHouse Fortemps ManservantOver the WallArtoirelWork in ProgressRedwaldThe First and ForemostRotheFrom on HighThierremontReconnaissance LostRedwaldAt the End of Our HopeArtoirelKnights Be Not ProudArtoirelOnwards and UpwardsEmmanellainAn Indispensable AllyLaniaitteMeeting the NeighborsLaniaitteSense of UrgencyMarielleHope Springs EternalMarielleA Series of Unfortunate EventsHonoroitA Reward Long in ComingEmmanellainDivine InterventionHouse Fortemps StewardDisclosureHaurchefantLevel 51QuestNPCFlame General AffairsAlphinaudIn Search of RaubahnHigiriKeeping the Flame AliveHozanTo Siege or Not to SiegeAlphinaudAlphinaud’s WayAlphinaudIn Search of IceheartAlphinaudFrom One Heretic to AnotherExpedition LeaderSounding Out the AmphitheatreAlphinaudCamp of the ConvictorsAlphinaudPurple Flame, Purple FlameEstinienLevel 52QuestNPCWhere the Chocobos RoamYsayleWorse than DragonsMarcechampThe Trine TowersYsayleGifts for the OutcastsYsayleThe NonmindAlphinaudLevel 53QuestNPCDutiesA Gnathic DeityYsayleBreaking into HivesAlphinaudLord of the HiveYsayleThok ast Thok (Hard)Mourn in PassingAlphinaudSohm AlBeyond the CloudsAlphinaudLevel 54QuestNPCMountaintop DiplomacyAlphinaudMoghan’s TrialMoghanMogmug’s TrialMogmugMogwin’s TrialMogwinMoglin’s JudgementMoglinLeaving MoghomeMoghanThe Road to ZenithMoghanWaiting for the Wind to ChangeMoghanHeart of IceMoghanThe Wyrm’s LairAlphinaudNew Winds, Old FriendsEstinienA General SummonsTataruAwakening in Ul’dahAlphinaudA Brave ResolutionAlphinaudLevel 55QuestNPCDutiesReady to FlyAlphinaudInto the AeryEstinienThe AeryThe Song BeginsEstinienLevel 56QuestNPCUnrest in IshgardEstinienHe Who Would Not Be DeniedHaurchefantIll-weather FriendsAlphinaudThe Spice of LifeAlphinaudNoble IndiscretionsGibrillontA Child ApartGibrillontBloodlinesGibrillontLevel 57QuestNPCDutiesFire and BloodAlphinaudA Knight’s CallingHildaThe VaultThe Sins of AntiquityAlphinaudIn Search of the SoleilLuciaInto the BlueAlphinaudFamiliar FacesAlphinaudDevourer of WorldsLonu VanuBlack and the WhiteAlphinaudBolt, Chain, and IslandAlphinaudThe Limitless Blue (Hard)A Difference of OpinionAlphinaudOne Good TurnCidAn Engineering EnterpriseAlphinaudAetherial TrailTataruLost in the LifestreamAlphinaudTataru’s SurpriseTataruOnward to SharlayanY’shtolaLevel 58QuestNPCA Great New NationY’shtolaGolems BegoneSlowfixAn Illuminati IncidentSlowfixLeaving IdyllshireSlowfixLevel 59QuestNPCUnlocksMatoya’s CaveY’shtolaForbidden KnowledgeMatoyaThe Great Gubal LibraryAn Eye for AetherMatoyaHour of DepartureAlphinaudThe First Flight of the ExcelsiorAlphinaudSystematic ExplorationCidIn Node We TrustGuidance NodeChimerical MaintenanceGuidance NodeClose Encounters of the Vith KindGuidance NodeFetters of LamentGuidance NodeLevel 60QuestNPCDutiesHeavenswardGuidance NodeThe Aetherochemical Research FacilityThe Singularity ReactorDragonsong WarAll quests introduced from patch 3.1 to 3.3 are officially known as the Dragonsong War MSQ quests. As with ARR Post-MSQ quests, these are all level 60. 3.1 - As Light Goes, So Goes DarknessQuestNPCAn Uncertain FutureAlphinaudBreaking the CycleAlphinaudAnother Time, Another PlaceAlphinaudIn the Eye of the BeholderKrileA Little Slow, a Little LateAlphinaudDreams of the LostAlphinaudAgainst the Dying of the LightLuciaAs Goes Light, So Goes DarknessLucia3.2 - The Gears of ChangeQuestNPCDutiesAs It Once WasTataruThe Word of the MotherAlphinaudThe AntitowerThis War of OursAlphinaudStaunch ConvictionLuciaOnce More, a FavorEmmanellainFor Those We Have LostEmmanellainConsequencesThancredChoicesThancredA Spectacle for the AgesLuciaFor Those We Can Yet SaveAymericCauses and CostsAlphinaud3.3 - Revenge of the HordeQuestNPCDutiesThe Man WithinHouse Fortemps KnightAn Ally for IshgardAlphinaudWinning Over the WyrmAlphinaudSohr KhaiAn End to the SongAymericThe Final Steps of FaithHeroes of the HourAlphinaudLitany of PeaceAymericPost-Dragonsong WarThe following quests are all level 60, and set up the story arc that continues into Stormblood.3.4 - Soul SurrenderQuestNPCDutiesPromises KeptHouse Fortemps KnightShadows of the FirstAlphinaudXelphatolTwo Sides to a CoinAlphinaudUnlikely AlliesBloeidinThe Beast That Mourned at the Heart of the MountainGa BuBeneath a Star-filled skyAlphinaudWhen We Were FreeAlphinaudHonorable HeroesPapalymoOne Life for One WorldAlphinaudAn Ending to Mark a New BeginningAlphinaud3.5 - The Far Edge of Fate (Part 1)QuestNPCDutiesTidings from Gyr AbaniaTataruAn Envoy for IshgardLuciaAn Allied DecisionAymericGriffin, Griffin on the WallAlisaieBaelsar’s WallLouisoix’s Finest StudentAlphinaud3.56 - The Far Edge of Fate (Part 2)QuestNPCThe Obvious SolutionAlisaieThe Greater ObeisanceAlphinaudFly Free, My PrettyYdaThe Far Edge of FateAlphinaudStormbloodImage via Square EnixThere are a total of 122 quests to do in order to complete the Stormblood MSQ, not including those added in Post-Stormblood patches. Like before, let’s break these down to individual levels.Level 60QuestNPCBeyond the Great WallAlphinaudLyse Takes the LeadLyseThe Promise of a New BeginningConradA Haven for the BoldAlphinaudA Bargain StruckAlisaieA Friend of a Friend in NeedM’naagoSigned, Sealed, to Be DeliveredM’naagoBest Served with Cold SteelRaubahnLet Fill Your Hearts with PrideM’naagoA Familiar Face ForgottenMeffridThe Prodigal DaughterMeffridHard CountryGriseldisDeath by a Thousand RocksAngry CoeurlA Life More OrdinaryMeffridThe Color of Angry QiqirnMeffridThe Black Wolf’s PupsLyseHomeward BoundMeffridWhere Men Go as OneConradFuture Rust, Future DustBevesA Dash of GreenAhelissaYe Wayward BrothersAnanta BattlemaidToken of FaithSwarthy Resistance FighterLevel 61QuestNPCDutiesCrossing the VelodynaAlphinaudIn Crimson It BeganPipinThe Fires FadeRaubahnBereft of Hearth and HomePipinDivide and ConquerConradLies, Damn Lies, and PiratesAlisaieTales from the Far EastAlphinaudNot Without IncidentLyseThe Sirensong SeaThe Man from Ul’dahAlphinaudWhere the Streets Are Paved with KobanHancockBy the Grace of Lord LoloritoHancockA Good Samurai is Hard to FindAlphinaudIt’s Probably a TrapLyseMaking the Catfish SingLyseLevel 62QuestNPCOnce More, to the Ruby SeaGosetsuOpen WaterSorobanBoys with BoatsTansuiTo Bend with the WindSorobanConfederate ConsternationAlisaieThe solace of the SeaAfumiThe Arrow of MisfortuneKajikaThe Last VoyageAranamiAlisaie’s StonesHiraseUnder the SeaRashoOf Kojin and KamiSorobanLevel 63QuestNPCDutiesIn Soroban We TrustSorobanForever and Ever ApartLyseIn Darkness the Magatama DeamAlisaieThe Whims of the DivineAlisaieBreaking and DeliveringAlisaieThe Lord of the RavelAlisaieThe Pool of TributeTide goes in, Imperials Go OutLyseA Silence in Three PartsGosetsuLevel 64QuestNPCLife After DomaGosetsuA Glimpse of MadnessLiberation Front GuardThe Stubborn RemainderYugiriThe Ones We Leave BehindYugiriA New Ruby TitheYugiriThe Will to LiveYugiriDaughter of the DeepYugiriPath of No ReturnGosetsuThe Time Between the SecondsYugiriAll the Little AngelsIsseLevel 65QuestNPCDutiesHere There be XaelaYugiriThe Search for Lord HienYugiriA Season for WarCirinaAn Impossible DreamCirinaStars in the DarkHienA Warrior’s WelcomeCirinaThe Heart of NationsCirinaA Trial Before the TrialHienIn the Footsteps of Bardam the BraveHienBardam’s MettleThe Children of AzimLyseLevel 66QuestNPCThe Labors of MagnaiBaatuFor Love of the MoonHienSworn Enemies of the SunMagnaiThe Undying OnesGosetsuA Final PeaceGosetsuAs the Gods WillGosetsuNaadamCirinaGlory to the KhaganHienIn Crimson They WalkedHienThe Hour of ReckoningHienLevel 67QuestNPCDutiesThe Room Where It HappenedAlphinaudHow Tataru Got Her Groove BackTataruSeeds of DespairAlphinaudThe Limits of Our EnduranceAlisaieBroken Steel, Broken MenTsuranukiThe Doma WithinLyseOn the Eve of DestinyHienThe Die Is CastHienDoma CastleThe World Turned Upside DownAlphinaudThe Swift and Secret DepartureAlphinaudWhile You Were AwayAlphinaudRhalgr’s BeaconRaubahnThe Fortunes of WarConradRising Fortunes, Rising SpiritsConradThe Lure of the DreamAlphinaudThe Lady of BlissVajraEmanationThe Silence of the GodsVajraLevel 68QuestNPCThe First of ManyAlphinaudStrong and UnifiedM’naagoHells OpenAlisaieHeavens WeepAlisaieThe Road HomeAlphinaudFor the Living and the DeadAlphinaudAbove the Churning WatersLyseThe Path ForwardLyseWith Tired Hands We ToilAlphinaudWhere Courage EndsLyseLevel 69QuestNPCDutiesThe Price of FreedomAlphinaudCastrum Abania Raubahn’s InvitationRaubahnLiberty or DeathRaubahnThe Lady in RedLyseUpon the Great Loch’s ShoreLyseThe Key to VictoryAlphinaudThe ResonantLyseThe Legacy of Our FathersAlphinaudLevel 70QuestNPCDutiesThe Measure of His ReachRaubahnStormbloodPipinAla MhigoThe Royal ManageriePost-StormbloodThe following quests were added between patches 4.1 and 4.56. There are 40 in total, each of which is level 70, and they set up the story arc for Shadowbringers. 4.1 - The Legend ReturnsQuestNPCDutiesArenvald’s AdventureLyseThe Darkness BelowAlphinaudThe Mad King’s TroveAlphinaudThe Drowned City of SkallaThe Butcher’s BloodArenvaldEchoes of an EchoLyseA Sultana’s StringsAlphinaudA Sultana’s DutyNanamo Ul NamoA Sultana’s ResolveNanamo Ul NamoSecuring the SalteryNanamo Ul NamoA Blissful ArrivalAlphinaudReturn of the BullRaubahn4.2 - Rise of a New SunQuestNPCTidings from the EastLyseThe Sword in the StoreAlphinaudHope on the WavesYugiriElation and TrepidationYugiriStorm on the HorizonHienHis Forgotten HomeAlisaieA Guilty ConscienceAsahiRise of a New SunHien4.3 - Under the MoonlightQuestNPCDutiesGosetsu and TsuyuAlphinaudGone Like the Morning DewHienFruits of Her LaborHienConscripts and ContingenciesHienThe Primary AgreementHienCastrum FluminisUnder the MoonlightAlisaieEmissary of the DawnAlisaie4.4 - Prelude in VioletQuestNPCDutiesSisterly ActAlisaieFeel the BurnHienThe BurnShadows in the EmpireHienA Power in SlumberHienThe Will of the MoonY’shtolaThe CallY’shtola Prelude in Violet Alisaie4.5 - A Requiem for Heroes (Part 1)QuestNPCDutiesSoul SearchingAlisaieA Defector’s TidingsAlisaieSeiryu’s WallHienParley on the Front LinesHienThe Face of WarLyseThe Ghimlyt Dark4.56 - A Requiem for Heroes (Part 2)QuestNPCA Brief ReprieveHoary BoulderA Requiem for HeroesResistance FighterShadowbringersImage via Square EnixThere are 106 quests in the Shadowbringers MSQ, continuing the story set up in the Post-Stormblood questline. Level 70QuestNPCThe Syrcus TrenchTataruCity of the FirstCrystal ExarchTravelers of NorvrandtCrystal ExarchIn Search of AlphinaudCrystal ExarchA Still TideSzem DjenmaiOpen Arms, Closed GateAlphinaudA Fickle ExistenceAlphinaudCity of Final PleasuresEulmoreFree to SightseeAlphinaudA Taste of HoneyAmiable MaidenA Blessed InstrumentAlphinaudEmergent SplendorAlphinaudIn Search of AlisaieCrystal ExarchCity of the MordCassardWorking Off the MealCassardA Desert CrossingTesleenFollowing in Her FootprintsTesleenCulling Their RanksAlisaieA Purchase of FruitTesleenThe Time Left to UsTesleenTears on the SandAlisaieLevel 71QuestNPCDutiesThe LightwardensCrystal ExarchHolminster SwitchWarrior of DarknessCrystal ExarchLevel 72QuestNPCAn Unwelcome GuestManager of the SuitesThe Crystarium’s ResolveCrystal ExarchLogistics of WarSzem DjenmaiThe Oracle of LightLynaIl Mheg, the Faerie KingdomThancredSul Uin’s RequestSul UinYs lala’s ErrandYs lalaOul Sigun’s PleaOul SigunUnto the TruthThancredCourting CooperationUriangerLevel 73QuestNPCDutiesThe Key to the CastleSul UinDohn MhegA Visit to Nu MouUriangerA Fitting PaymentWyd AencSpore SweeperYs GyufThe Lawless OnesWyd LadThe Elder’s AnswerWyd LadA Resounding RoarUriangerMemento of a FriendSetoAcht-la Ormh InnSetoThe Dancing PlagueThe Wheel TurnsThancredLevel 74QuestNPCA Party Soon DividedManager of the SuitesA Little FaithUriangerInto the DarkUriangerA Day in the NeighborhoodY’shtolaA Helping HandRunarLost but Not ForgottenRunarSaying Good-byeRunarStirring up TroubleY’shtolaA Beeautiful PlanY’shtolaAn Unwanted ProposalY’shtolaPut to the ProofUriangerLevel 75QuestNPCDutiesInto the WoodY’shtolaTop of the TreeCymetLook to the StarsAlmetMi Casa, ToupasaAlmetLegend of the Not-so-hidden TempleAlmetThe AftermathAlmetIn Good FaithUriangerThe Burden of KnowledgeAlmetThe Qitana RavelBearing With itY’shtolaLevel 76QuestNPCOut of the WoodY’shtolaWhen it RainsManager of SuitesWord from On HighAlisaieSmall FavorsLynaThe Best Way OutThancredFree TradeThancredThe Trolley ProblemZhun ZunRust and RuinThaffeOn TrackMinfiliaDown for MaintenanceJerykThe Truth Hurts JerykLevel 77QuestNPCDutiesA Convenient DistractionThancredA Dirty JobGuthjonHave a HeartGuthjonFull Steam AheadMagnusCrossing PathsMinfiliaA Fresh StartRyneMalikah’s WellMore than a HunchRyneReturn to EulmoreManager of SuitesA Feast of LiesUriangerParadise FallenThancredLevel 78QuestNPCThe LadderAlphinaudThe View from AboveUriangerIn Mt. Gulg’s ShadowAlisaieA Gigantic UndertakingAlisaieMeet the ThollsTristolA-Digging We Will goXamottThe Duergar’s TewelKoruttRich Veins of HopeCrystal ExarchThat None Shall Ever AgainAlphinaudA Breath of RespiteChai-NuzzLevel 79QuestNPCDutiesExtinguishing the Last LightChai-NuzzMt. GulgThe Crown of the ImmaculateReassuring the MassesManager of SuitesIn His GardenKatlissThe Unbroken ThreadLynaTo Storm-tossed SeasUriangerWating in the DepthsThancredCity of the AncientsY’shtolaThe Light of InspirationY’shtolaLevel 80QuestNPCDutiesThe Illuminated LandGrenoldtThe End of a WorldAlisaieA Greater PurposeAlphinaudShadowbringersAlisaieAmaurotThe Dying GaspPost-ShadowbringersPost-Shadowbringers MSQ quests are broken into two categories, with the first wrapping up the Shadowbringers story between patches 5.1 and 5.3, and the second setting up the story of Endwalker between patches 5.3 and 5.55. All of these quests are level 80.5.1 - Vows of Virtue, Deeds of CrueltyQuestNPCDutiesShaken ResolveTataruA Grand AdventureCrystal ExarchThe Grand CosmosA Welcome GuestAlphinaudGood for the SoulBeg LuggNowhere to TurnKai-ShirrA Notable AbsenceAlphinaudFor the PeopleAlphinaudFinding Good HelpChai-NuzzMoving ForwardChai-NuzzVows of Virtue, Deeds of CrueltyAlphinaud5.2 - Echoes of a Fallen StarQuestNPCDutiesOld Enemies, New ThreatsKrileThe Way HomeKrileSeeking CounselAlphinaudFacing the TruthLynaA Sleep DisturbedCrystal ExarchAn Old FriendY’shtolaDeep DesignsY’shtolaA Whale’s TaleUriangerBeneath the SurfaceUriangerAnamnesis AnyderEchoes of a Fallen StarUrianger5.3 - Reflections in CrystalQuestNPCDutiesIn the Name of the LightManager of SuitesHeroic DreamsEirwelFraying ThreadsRyneFood for the SoulTataruFaded MemoriesThancredEtched in the StarsPeculiar CrystalThe Converging LightY’shtolaThe Heroes’ GauntletHope’s ConfluenceCrystal ExarchThe Seat of SacrificeNothing UnsaidY’shtolaThe Journey ContinuesAlphinaudUnto the MorrowUriangerReflections in CrystalRyne5.4 - Futures RewrittenQuestNPCDutiesAlisaie’s QuestKrileThe Wisdom of AllagG’raha TiaReviving the LegacyG’raha TiaForget Us NotAlisaieLike Master, Like PupilY’shtolaMatoya’s RelictThe Admiral’s ResolveAlphinaudThe Search for SicardAlphinaudOn Rough SeasAlphinaudThe Great Ship VylbrandMerlwybFutures RewrittenAlphinaud5.5 - Death Unto Dawn (Part 1)QuestNPCDutiesUnto the BreachAlisaieHere Be DragonsAlphinaudRighteous IndignationEstinienFor VengeanceRestrainment NodeThe Flames of WarG’raha TiaPaglth’anWhen the Dust SettlesAlphinaud5.5 - Death Unto Dawn (Part 2)QuestNPCThe Company We KeepAlisaieOn Official BusinessAlphinaudDeath Unto DawnKan-E-SennaEndwalkerImage via Square EnixThere are 108 quests included in the MSQ for Endwalker, ranging from level 80 to 90. With Post-Endwalker quests wrapping up a decade of storytelling and moving on to a whole new story arc for Dawntrail. Level 80 QuestNPCThe Next Step to SailAlphinaudOld Sharlayan, New to YouKrileHitting the BooksKrileA Seat at the Last StandAlisaieA Labyrinthine DescentAlisaieGlorified RatcatcherKrileDeeper into the MazeAlphinaudThe Medial CircuitAlisaieThe Full Report, Warts and AllAlisaieA Guide of SortsAlisaieEstate VisitorAlisaieFor Thavnair BoundThancredOn Low TideThancredA Fisherman’s FriendMatsyaHouse of DivinitiesEstinienThe Great WorkMatsyaShadowed FootstepsNidhanaA Boy’s ErrandNidhanaTipping the ScaleZeynuhaThe Satrap of Radz-at-HanThancredLevel 81QuestNPCDutiesIn the Dark of the TowerKrileThe Tower of ZotThe Jewel of ThavnairThancredThe Color of JoyAlphinaudLevel 82QuestNPCSound the Bell, School’s InKrileA Capital IdeaKrileBest of the BestMaximaA Frosty ReceptionTataruTracks in the SnowEmmanellainHow the Mighty Are FallenLiciniaAt the End of the TrailJareckA Way ForwardAlphinaudThe Last BastionJullusPersonae non GrataeJullusLevel 83QuestNPCDutiesHis Park MaterialsJullusNo Good DeedJullusAlea Iacta EstJullusStrange BedfellowsLuciaIn from the ColdLuciaGateway of the GodsLuciaThe Tower of BabilA Trip to the MoonG’raha TiaSea of SorrowThe WatcherThe MartyrArgosLevel 84QuestNPCIn Shadow’s WakeThe WatcherHelping HandsThe WatcherA Harey SituationThancredA Taste of the MoonLivingwayStyled a HeroLivingwayAll’s Vale That EndsvaleGrowingwayBack to Old TricksThancredSetting Things StraightUriangerHeart of the MatterGrowingwayReturning HomeY’shtolaLevel 85QuestNPCDutiesSkies AflameTataruVanaspatiThe Blasphemy UnmaskedAhewannAmidst the ApocalypseMihleelBeyond the Depths of DespairG’raha TiaThat We Might LiveAlphinaudWhen All Hope Seems LostMatsyaWarm Hearts, Rekindled HopesAlisaieSimple PleasuresEstinienUnder His WingMatsyaAt World’s EndRadiant Host SoldierLevel 86QuestNPCReturn to the CrystariumG’raha TiaHope Upon a FlowerRynePetalouda HuntHythlodaeusIn Search of HermesHythlodaeusPonder, Warrant, Cherish, WelcomeHermesLives ApartHermesTheir Greatest ContributionEmet-SelchAether to AetherHermesA Sentimental GiftHermesVerdict and ExecutionHermesLevel 87QuestNPCDutiesTravelers at the CrossroadsHythlodaeusA Past, Not Yet Come to PassVenatWitness to the SpectacleVenatWorthy of His BackVenatA Flower Upon Your ReturnVenatHunger in the GardenHythlodaeusWords Without SoundEmet-SelchFollow, Wander, Stumble, ListenHythlodaeusCaging the MessengerHythlodaeusKtisis HyperboreiaThou Must Live, and KnowVenatLevel 88QuestNPCAs the Heavens BurnKrileOutside HelpLuciaGoing UndergroundFourchenaultNo Job Too SmallAlphinaudWise GuidesUriangerAgriculture ShockCookingwaySage CouncilUriangerHither and YarnsUriangerOnce ForgedG’raha TiaBonds of Amanan(ite)Kokkol DankkolLevel 89QuestNPCDutiesHer Children, One and AllFourchenaultThe AitiascopeA Bold DecisionKrileFriends GatheredTataruUnto the HeavensOjika TsunjikaA §trαnge New WorldAlphinaudOn Burdεned ωingsUriangerA Test of WιllEstinienRoads Pαved││Sacri┣iceAlphinaudF//εsh AbanΔon┨ΔCoph-coodgWhere Kn∞wledge LeadsUriangerLevel 90QuestNPCDutiesVic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε LostG’raha Tia┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••G’raha TiaHello, WorldG’raha TiaForge AheadAlphinaudYou’re Not AloneAlisaieEndwalkerAlphinaudThe Dead EndsPost-EndwalkerThere are a total of 44 Post-Endwalker quests added in patches 6.1 to 6.55. These work to wrap up the last 10 years since A Realm Reborn, and also pave the way to the new story of Dawntrail. These are all level 90 quests.6.1 - Newfound AdventureQuestNPCDutiesNewfound AdventerTataruBountiful RuinsTataruFriends for the RoadEstinienAlzadaal’s LegacyY’shtolaAlzadaal’s LegacyA Brother’s GriefY’shtolaSharing the WealthVarshahnBridging the RiftVeteran RadiantRestricted ReadingMontichaigneVoid TheoryY’shtolaA Satrap’s DutyY’shtola6.2 - Buried MemoryQuestNPCDutiesIn Search of AzdajaVarshahnThe Fell Court of TroiaShadowed RemnantsVarshahnWhere Everything BeginsZeroGroping in the DarkEstinienNowhere to RunZeroThe Wind RisesZeroStorm’s CrownReturn from the VoidVarshahnA World with Light and LifeY’shtolaBuried MemoryVarshahn6.3 - Gods Revel, Lands TrembleQuestNPCDutiesOnce More Unto the VoidVarshahnA Cold ReuniionEstinienKindled SpiritAlphinaudAn Unforeseen Bargain1st Legion SoldierKing of the MountainAlphinaudLapis ManalisA Dragon’s ResolveVarshahnPaths BarredZeroDesires UntoldNahbdeenMount OrdealsGods Revel, Lands TrembleZero6.4 - The Dark ThroneQuestNPCDutiesCurrying FlavorVarshahnGoing HaamUriangerThe AetherfontLike Fear to FlameUriangerThe Fallen EmpireJullusBonds of TrustJullusLunar RendezvousUriangerThe Red Side of the MoonUriangerAbyssal DarkZeroThe Voidcast DaisThe Dark ThroneY’shtola6.5 - Growing Light (Part 1)QuestNPCDutiesSeeking the LightVarshahnAppealing to the MassesRyneIn Defiance of FateZeroBack to ActionRyneDown in the DarkVarshahnThe Lunar SubteranneThe Abyssal FractureReunited at LastVrtraGrowing LightY’shtola6.55 - Growing Light (Part 2)QuestNPCWhen One Door Closes...VarshahnThe Game is AfootG’raha TiaThe Coming DawnG’raha TiaDawntrailImage via Square EnixThe MSQ of Dawntrail has exactly 100 quests, and the patches are currently ongoing. This will be updated as and when new quests are added in later patches. Level 90QuestNPCA New World to ExploreOjika TsunjikaThe Nation of TuliyollalWuk LamatA City of StairsWuk LamatA Saga in StoneKrileThe Rite of SuccessionErenvilleTo Kozama’ukaHelpful HanuA Festive PeopleWuk LamatThe Feat of ReedsWuk LamatA Well-mannered ShipwrightLinuhanuThe Lifting of WingsWuk LamatKnowing the HanuhanuWuk EvuTo UrqopachaApproachable PelupeluTraders of HappinessWuk LamatThe Feat of GoldErenvilleMablu’s DreamWuk LamatA Premium DealWuk LamatWuk Lamat in the SaddleWuk LamatKnowing the PelupeluMabluLevel 91QuestNPCDutiesThe Success of OthersWuk LamatFor All TuraliWuk LamatIhuykatumuLevel 92QuestNPCA Leaking WorkpotErenvilleLending a HelphandRakorokThe Feat of PotsKoanaA Father FirstWuk LamatThe Shape of PeaceWuk LamatLost PromiseKoanaA Brother’s DutyKoanaFeeding the RiverKoanaSibling RescueKoanaLevel 93QuestNPCDutiesHistory’s KeepersWuk LamatThe feat of ProofAlphinaudThe High LuminaryWuk LamatWorqor ZormorAn Echo of MadnessAlphinaudPointing the WayErenvilleThe SkyruinErenvilleWorqor Lar DorThe Feat of IceThancredThe Promise of PeaceErenvilleLevel 94QuestNPCThe Leap to Yak T’elAlphinaudVillage of the HuntWuk LamatA History of ViolenceKoanaThe Feat of RepastKoanaA Father’s GriefAlphinaudTaking a StandHunmu RrukInto the TraverseWuk LamatCity of SilenceWuk LamatBlessed SiblingsMiilal JaScale of TrustAlphinaudLevel 95QuestNPCDutiesMamook SpeaksWuk LamatThe Feat of BrotherhoodWuk LamatRoad to the Golden CityKetenrammThe Skydeep CenoteDawn of a New TomorrowPeshekwaEver Greater, Ever BrighterKrileThe Long Road to Xak TuralErenvilleSaddled UpErenvilleBraced for TroubleErenvilleBlowing SmokeErenvilleLaw of the LandErenvilleOn TrackErenvilleLevel 96QuestNPCOne with NatureErenvilleAnd the Land Would TrembleErenvilleNo Time for TearsWuk LamatPick up the PiecesAlisaieTogether as OneWuk LamatIn Yyasulani’s ShadowAlphinaudPutting Plans into LocomotionG’raha TiaA Hot CommodityIyaateLevel 97QuestNPCDutiesAll AboardWawlikaVanguardThe Land of LevinWuk LamatA Royal WelcomeAlisaieA Day in the LifeSpheneOn the CloudSpheneGone and ForgottenErenvilleEmbracing OblivionCahciuaSolution NineWuk LamatThe Queen’s TourSpheneLevel 98QuestNPCHer People, Her FamilySpheneScales of BlueWuk LamatGives You TeethTassosLittle FootfallsWuk LamatDrowned VestigesWuk LamatMemories of a KnightOtisAt a CrossroadsOtisThe Protector and the DestroyerWuk LamatLevel 99QuestNPCDutiesA Comforting HandWuk LamatUnto the SummitCahciuaThe Resilient SonCahciuaOrigenicsEverkeepA New FamilyWuk LamatIn Pursuit of SpheneWuk LamatThrough the Gate of GoldWuk LamatThose Who Live ForeverWuk LamatIn Serenity and SorrowG’raha TiaThe Land of DreamsCahciuaA Knight of AlexandriaWuk LamatLevel 100QuestNPCDutiesThe Sanctuary of the StrongCahciuaThe Taste of FamilyKrileLeafing Through the PastKrileAn Explorer’s DelightCahciuaIn Search of DiscoveryCahciuaA Journey Never-endingCahciuaDawntrailWuk LamatAlexandriaThe InterphosPost DawntrailAll quests added in patches 7.1 onwards will be added here as soon as they’re available. These are all level 100 quests.7.1 - CrossroadsQuestNPCDutiesA Royal InvitationBol WuruqAlexandria MournsGulool JaIn Search of the PastG’raha TiaYuweyawata Field StationAmong the AbandonedKrileGuidance of the HhetsoGeodeThe Warmth of FamilyKoanaCrossroadsWuk Lamat7.2 - Seekers of EternityQuestNPCDutiesA Glimmer of the PastKrileMemories of a Bygone AgeSpheneIn Search of MeaningSpheneA Jewel ShatteredSpheneThe MeetingSpheneDescent to the FoundationShaleThe UnderkeepRecollectionShared PathsSpheneSeekers of EternitySpheneThe post FFXIV: Every MSQ quest from A Realm Reborn to Dawntrail appeared first on Destructoid.