Zucchini are simple-to-grow plants and a summer staple in many backyard vegetable gardens. Whether growing the classic dark green long zucchini, golden and bi-color varieties, or cylindrical types, all varieties of this popular crop need fertilizing during the season. When growing zucchini , these hungry crops need a lot of nutrients to develop into strong plants that produce an abundance of flowers and fruits through the summer.

Zucchini plants are often very prolific and develop lots of fruits, but that level of abundance requires lots of nutrients to make it happen. Whether you bake your zucchini or use them ratatouille, mixed grills, or summer salads, keeping plants well-nourished ensures a steady supply of fruits to pick. Your next challenge may be to keep on top of picking, making sure to harvest them when small or medium-sized before the flavor diminishes as they get large and woody.

Understanding how to fertilize zucchini will reward you with the biggest yield Zucchini are heavy feeders that require lots of water and nutrients. It would be a mistake not to fertilize plants and, if you don’t provide nutrients, any potential yield will be massively reduced. Amy Enfield, senior horticulturist at ScottsMiracle-Gro , claims that ‘fertilizing is crucial for producing a healthy and high-yielding plant’ and adds: ‘Without adequate nutrition, zucchini plants will be smaller and produce fewer fruits.

’ To help you have high-yielding plants as described by Amy, let's ta.