A rapper has been brutally shot dead in front of her fans after a gunman opened fire directly at her inside a beauty store. Alliauna Green, known by her stage name Tan DaGod, died at a California store's opening event after promoting it to her 24,000 followers and telling fans she'd be there. Devastated friends rushed the 27-year-old to hospital in the where she died from her injuries with reports suggesting the fatal attack stemmed from a disagreement earlier in the day, Social media has since been flooded with the disturbing video that captured the moments leading up to the fatal shooting.

The footage shows Green, a rising rapper, interacting with attendees and smiling. Soon enough chaos erupts as the assailant storms in and gunshots are heard. The recording abruptly ends as people scramble to safety, reports .

Fans scattered in fear at the venue in North Oakland at around 5pm last Saturday (July 13) when a hooded gunman walked in and fired directly at her. Sul Cho, an employee at a closeby Korean barbecue restaurant who was at te event told KTVU: "She was performing there, and this guy with a hood just walked in through that gate and started shooting. Everybody like ducked and hid behind the cars.

" He added: "He was targeting her only, cause I saw it. He wasn't shooting at everybody, he was just shooting at her." Earlier in the day,the shop had its reopening and Green provided her fans with a virtual tour of the area through Instagram and put on a show for them.
