Police are reportedly investigating the public circulation of graphic sexual images that depict a high-profile female celebrity. The suspect is a 37-year-old man who was arrested by police following a complaint by the woman who was the victim of the photos. Cops carried out a search of the suspect’s address and seized computer devices for examination in order to look for the alleged ‘revenge porn’ in question.

Police officers also took a statement from the woman who reported the alleged crime. The West Sussex police department sent Metro.co.

uk a statement on the case when contacted for comment. They wrote: ‘Police attended an address in the Petworth area of West Sussex on August 14, where a 37-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of sharing a film or photograph of a person in an intimate setting, with intent to cause alarm, distress, or humiliation, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003. ‘He has been interviewed and released on bail with conditions pending further enquiries.

This is an ongoing, active investigation and we are not able to comment further at this time.’ According to The Sun , the suspect was then taken to a local police station where he was fingerprinted, provided a DNA saliva swab and otherwise processed, as well as undergoing questioning in the presence of a solicitor. The Sun reports that a source close to the celebrity said of the case: ‘She was absolutely mortified to see these pictures shared and took swift action.

‘It is a terrible t.