Monsoon brings a cool and refreshing change to the weather from the scorching dry heat of summer. However, it also brings along a surge in infections. All around you -- at work, home, school or in public transport -- you will come across people coughing, sneezing or feeling drained.

The high moisture content in the air during monsoon enables several harmful microorganisms to thrive, which results in more infections. In this season, our immunity is often low and our digestive fire is weak, explains nutritionist Arjita Singh on Instagram. So, it is advised to eat light foods and rely more on simple, cooked food.

Your diet plays an important role in protecting your health while more and more people might fall sick around you. Consuming foods that help boost your immunity will reduce your risk of getting infected. One dish you must cook in this season is rasam .

Nothing beats a good bowl of rasam in this weather. It is comforting and delicious and can be prepared easily without much fuss or effort. You can make it quickly for your loved ones especially if they are under the weather.

This recipe shared by the nutritionist takes only 5 minutes of prep and then you just have to let it cook. "It will boost your immunity and provide relief from cough and cold," adds the nutritionist. All ingredients that go into the making of rasam, such as tamarind and curry leaves, are full of healthy nutrients and work together to nourish your health from within.

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