Running on empty stomach, juggling tasks and giving all your energy to everyone but yourself? You are not alone. In a constantly demanding world, it is easy to forget that your mental health needs attention too. Taking time for some healthy habits can help you feel more balanced, calm and connected as improving your mental well-being begins with self care - a crucial activity that is sometimes disregarded in the busy life.

Self-care not only lowers stress levels but also fosters a strong sense of emotional stability and self- love . Following self-care practices can improve your mental well-being: 1. Mindful Meditation: In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Gorav Gupta, CEO and Senior Psychiatrist at Tulasi Healthcare, recommended, “Spending only a few minutes of time every day on mindfulness exercises can help you become more grounded, less anxious, and relax.

You can better control your thoughts and emotions if you keep your attention on the here and now.” Bringing his expertise to the same, Saurabh Bothra, CEO and Certified Yoga Instructor at Habuild, suggested, “Silence is a great answer to overwhelm! Pause and take a few deep breaths whenever you feel heavy. You could try meditation apps, a few minutes of deep breathing, or simply enjoying the moment without distractions.

” 2. Stay Active With Regular Physical Activity: Dr Gorav Gupta shared, “Regular exercise, be it yoga, swimming, or brisk walking, promotes the release of endorphins, which are the body's natur.