When an American scholar said “do not comit the crime that serves the sentence”, it’s possible Madam Favour Igiebor was not born into the world at that time. Favour Igiebor is just like every other Nigeria woman, who in some way, marriage has dealt some blows. Perhaps, her husband whom she vented her anger on his passport, contributed to her frustration and pain.

If Mrs Igiebor was seen at the airport nagging the life out of her husband like most women do, that will not attract any constitutional punishment. She would been tagged as another woman, frustrated with marriage. But like they say, ‘she allowed the village people’ fan her anger to the point where she had to tear her husband’s passport in the presence of Nigerian immigration officers.

According to a well meaning Nigerian who is following her new popularity on social media: “What a way to set oneself up, with full evidence for prosecution”. Now, the authorities are asking for her head, to serve as deterrent to others. Favour Igiebor made a statement recently, apologising and explaining the reasons she tore her husband’s passport in public.

The incident occurred on Saturday when Igiebor and her husband and children touched down in Nigeria from Italy. She said in a video which was uploaded on social media on Monday that she did it so her husband would be unable to travel abroad, adding that she was ready to face the consequences. “To Nigerian Immigration, I am very sorry, but to be sincere, I did it .