A man who intentionally drove a pickup truck off Sunset Cliffs into the ocean with his twin toddlers inside was sentenced Friday to 31 years in state prison. Robert Brians, 51, pleaded guilty earlier this year to attempted murder, kidnapping and other charges for abducting his twin 2-year-old daughters from his parents’ home on June 13, 2020, then speeding off a cliff into the waters below. Brians and the girls were hospitalized for injuries sustained in the crash.

He was sentenced Friday by San Diego Superior Court Judge Joan Weber. “The true miracle of this situation, sir, is that you are not before me for two counts of premeditated murder of those two beautiful girls,” Weber said to Brians. “It’s incredibly shocking to the court that you would let whatever disputes you have with your wife lead you to try to take the lives of two innocent, 2-year-old, beautiful children.

” The girls’ mother said at Brians’ sentencing hearing that the children are “doing very well” and “thriving.” “I’m thankful that Robert is taking responsibility for his wrongs and is ready to serve his time.” she said.

“This has been a missing step towards healing for all of us.” In a brief statement before he was sentenced, Brians thanked law enforcement and emergency responders for their efforts in rescuing the children. “I love my babies and I’m sorry,” he said.

At about 4:30 a.m. June 13, the toddlers’ mother called 911 to report that Brians had taken their chil.