Ben Carter, who runs the Brewers Arms in Martinstown with his wife Leanne, told of the emotional challenge his friend has completed to raise awareness for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Prior to the Covid lockdowns in 2019, Ben and Leanne found out there eldest son, Noah, now 13, had the rare medical condition. Ben Carter outside the Brewers Arms in Martinstown (Image: Ben Carter) He then tested his other two sons for the hereditary disease.

His youngest son Quinn, now almost five, was also diagnosed with the condition, whilst Joss, 11, was confirmed as a carrier. The condition prevents the adrenal glands functioning correctly and to stay healthy, people with CAH must take daily life-long medication. The condition means they are at risk of a life-threatening adrenal crisis in an emergency - for instance if they are ill or injured.

READ: Dorset dad raising awareness of sons’ rare condition Steve's bike outside Lord's cricket ground in London (Image: Steve Howard) Steve Howard, from Poundbury, rode more than 1,173 miles, to every first-class cricket ground in England and Wales to raise awareness for the condition - raising £2,000 in the process. He took on the challenge to help raise the profile of the condition and rode to each cricket ground because of Noah's love for the sport. Now that the challenge has been completed, Ben has been left 'astounded' by his friends generosity.

He said: “I am astounded by Steve’s achievements and completely in awe of what he has .